Meet and Greet



  • Plussizebritt
    Plussizebritt Posts: 59 Member
    Hello everyone my name is Brittney I'm 24 and I currently have no kids but nephews and a niece whom I love dearly but I am from Florida I'm currently in a relationship. I have always been big but never has heavy as I am now I got bigger and bigger because I was an emotional eater. when I was bored I would eat,when I was depressed I would eat even more. I am currently losing weight pretty well and learning more and more how to handle stressful situation without feeding my face I currently weight like 270 ish .

    I joined MFP to have help with my calorie and exercise goals and get motivation from people and also give them motivation back. my goal is to be at least 150-160 ish.
  • GBrady43068
    GBrady43068 Posts: 1,256 Member
    Hi, I'm Greg, 43 year old Ohioan. Married with a 9 year old.

    Last year I was told I was borderline for diabetes and figure at my age this might be my last chance to get into shape.

    So far, I'm about halfway to my goal (my high school weight) since joining MFP in October but I've been lagging (getting lax with exercise and logging) so I need to kick myself in the pants a bit.

    These challenges seem to help with that so....
  • ECL321
    ECL321 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi all,

    Just joined MFP and am excited about this challenge! I am a woman in my late 20s - busy job, wonderful husband, and love to work out! I lost 15-20 pounds last year for my wedding, then gained it back at a desk job with long hours and plenty of stress. No more excuses on that front - I am making a new start! My biggest challenge is making the consistent commitment in the kitchen - I love going out and eating out, so I know that will be challenge for me. Would love to have more supportive friends, so please add me. I will also be training for my third half marathon this fall - goal is to get to 2 hours or just under 2 hours!
  • Kathyonf
    Kathyonf Posts: 10 Member
    Hi! I'm Kathy. I'm so glad I finally decided to search out the groups after being on MFP for about 6 weeks. I think this is the motivation that I need!

    I work full time in management (so up to 60 hours per week) and my husband works away half of the month so I am raising my 16 year old daughter and 2 1/2 year old niece pretty much on my own. I used to be very psychically active but I lost my motivation this past year (putting on 30 lbs or more in the process). I think a group challenge is just the kick in the pants I need to help me to reach my goals. Once I get motivated, I love to exercise - including running, cycling and weight training. I started back cycling and running but I'm leaving the gym until the weather get worse - I love the outdoors.

    My biggest obstacle is making time to fit in my activities in daylight so if I can't cycle or run, I am trying at least to get a walk in everyday!

    Good luck everyone! :smile:
  • violasmith85
    violasmith85 Posts: 274 Member
    Hi all, I'm Vi. I'm 29 and currently 75 pounds away from my goal weight. I've lost 25 of the total 100 pounds I need to lose. I'm a mom and a stress eater. Working hard to make this a lifestyle and quit the yo-yo dieting. Nice to meet you all!
  • AmyJo527
    AmyJo527 Posts: 90 Member
    Hi everyone, my name is Amy. I am a 28 year old divorced mother of 2 beautiful girls. I have been on and off MFP since I gave birth to my first daughter 5 years ago, and this most recent time around I am down about 30lbs since May. Good luck everyone!!
  • littlebear99
    littlebear99 Posts: 2 Member
    Happy to be here! I turned forty this spring and I'm starting to accept that I can't just eat what I want all of the time like I used to. :( Dang metabolism! Anyway, we have been on a tight budget for about a year ago. That's been working great, but my diet has suffered. I started eating junk. Cheap food (i.e., mac&cheese) = weight gain! Well, that's no excuse. I've been thinking about getting a fitbit or UP, but I really need food maintenance most, so I might put that off. This app / tracking my food seems to be impacting my diet so far (day 2) Hope to meet the goal by Christmas.
  • mazzzery
    mazzzery Posts: 13 Member
    Hi everyone, my story is I've put on weight since i met my partner two years ago, four stone to be exact, so starting today, which is a Monday, good time to start, I'm shedding it, Christmas is the perfect goal mark, pictures are always taken around then, i want to be down 20 pounds, would be perfect, lets do this! :D add me as a friend for support too!
  • lisam191
    Hi all,
    I'm lisa, 25 years old. I have no kids and have no excuse for my size. I want to lose around 30 lbs, i tend to lose motivation quickly so i am hoping that by logging into MFP on a daily basis i will stay motivated and finally lose the weight i've struggled with for so long :)
  • BIW2012
    BIW2012 Posts: 97 Member
    I'm Alice and I've lost 60 pounds or 27 kilos. I started at 107 kg or 235 lbs. Every pound lost was a struggle!

    I'd love to lose another 20 pounds by Xmas and this group is fantastic!

    My workouts are awesome - I work out 6+ times a week: Lifting weights, running and a bit of hiking at the weekends too. But my eating hasn't been the best this year but I've recently cracked down and focused a bit more.
  • Lenabena9
    Lenabena9 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi, I'm Jamie. I'm 34 yrs old, married to my high school sweetheart and mother to a wonderful 7 yr old daughter. I'm hoping to lose 15lbs to start with but would love to be 25lbs lighter. I am ready to get this weight off and finally get back to feeling happy about my body. I just want to feel good wearing my clothes and not worry about what needs to be sucked in :) The weekends are my frenemy...after working and cooking at home all week I like to relax and enjoy myself so we usually eat out while we are running errands and whatnot. I know this is one of my major problems. But I love good food! Anyway, I am excited about joining this group and finally making some progress.
  • assassin_86
    assassin_86 Posts: 9 Member
    Hi everyone! My name is Alekeyia. I am single and I don't have any children. I successfully lost 40lbs last year with the help of MFP but the problem is I found those pounds again. So far I've lost 9lbs and I would like to lose 20 (if not 30) pounds by the end of the year. I work full-time and I am a full-time grad student so it is hard to find the time to work out. Please feel free to add me! I am hopeful that we all can successfully reach our goals!
  • Hakers344
    Hakers344 Posts: 30 Member
    Hi, my name is Heidi, im 33 years old. Have been married for 2 years, no kids yet & I work for the emergency services. I put on weight when I have up smoking & haven't shifted it since. I'm the queen of yoyo dieting and trying fad diets. I lose weight on them but have no discipline to keep it off. Want to lose weight thru healthy choices and exercise, so it retrains my relationship with food. My hubby & I love going out to restaurants, and crisps are my major weakness. Looking forward to this challenge, altho have started late. Hoping to wear a nice slinky dress for Xmas.
  • smagill15
    Joining late, but better late than never! My name is Sarah and I'm 26, married for almost three years to a wonderful guy, no kids but I do have three fur babies (a dog and two cats). I was at my lowest when I got married and have slowly put on the pounds. Just joined a gym, so exercise is covered there, but thought that MFP would hopefully help with the motivation issues I have. I've finally realized that I don't need to be 'thin' to be happy, but I DO want to be able to fit into the clothes I already have! The worst feeling is pulling on a shirt or pair of pants that fit six months ago, and doesn't fit now. Feel free to add me! Having a good support system and people to motivate you is the key!
  • ChristineCain
    ChristineCain Posts: 76 Member
    Hi all, I'm Christine (as if my username didn't give you a clue :wink: ) I'm 30 years old, married with 2 kids. I was very successful with MFP when I first logged on in 2012, losing 55 lbs. From the support and tracking, it really was what I needed. I had worked for the US Army as a DOD Contractor for the last 9 years until October 2013, when a local government job opened up and I jumped on it. The old job literally had a gym (FREE MEMBERSHIP!) right behind my building so daily workouts happened. Flash forward nearly 1 year later and the gym is gone (even though I have joined another gym but its not close so I find ways of getting out of going) and 35 pounds has mysteriously appeared (insert sarcasm) back onto my body. I grew lax in logging my food.

    Part of my new job deals with many of the newer/up and coming businesses in town, where there is always plenty of food & beverages. I went from having short lunches, to longer drawn out, hosted lunches.

    At first I was in denial, 5-10lb gain, no biggie. Now I see pictures of me from events I've been to and I feel like I've lost the person I worked so hard to become. For anyone who doubts this program to work, believe me it does.

    Sometimes we all need that swift kick to the *kitten* to get back in gear. I've got mine! Feel free to add, I'm always looking for motivation.
  • ashteinpeacock
    ashteinpeacock Posts: 56 Member
    Hey, my name is Ashtein. I am 25, married with a 3 year old. I have 2 dogs, 2 cats (one who just has 2 kittens), a pony, a goat, and am nursing 3 baby squirrels... lol, I guess I'm working on a farm. I work as a teller at a credit union so I am pretty much stationary all day. Me and a coworker are doing a diet/eating habit change. Are plan is to eat every 2 hours. For example, yesterday was our first day, woke up at 6, ate a nutirgrain bar by 7, ate a special k breakfast sandwich at 9, had carrots and an apple at 11, a turkey and pickle sandwich at 1(which is my lunch break), had a chocolate chip granola bar at 3(my chocolate fix), activia yogurt at 5, and a slice of pizza for supper at 7. It's not a hard schedule to follow since we're eating every 2 hours and since we aren't 'cutting out' foods, just eating smaller portions. It is only day 2 of this so I may be speaking too soon. I realized yesterday that during the day will be no problem but in the afternoon when I get home will be hard. My daughter could really benefit for doing some of these changes with me because she's big for her age(height and weight) but my husband is like a pole and needs to gain some weight... so we have sodas and snacks in the house. So I am hoping by doing this will help me to lose some weight. Me and my coworker walk around 2.5 miles in the afternoon but don't exercise other than that. I plan to look for some projects for me and my daughter to do in the afternoon to keep us busy so we don't think about eating, lol. Any advice will be much appreciative!
  • ashteinpeacock
    ashteinpeacock Posts: 56 Member
    I totally agree!!!
  • ashteinpeacock
    ashteinpeacock Posts: 56 Member
    Congrats on being sober and finding a better way to stay sober. Good for you!!!
  • austinsneeze
    austinsneeze Posts: 222 Member
    I'm excited to start this guys!!! I know we can do it! :D
  • ivygirl1937
    ivygirl1937 Posts: 899 Member
    I guess that makes me very late to this party! :)

    I'm Amanda, I'm 25 years old, and just got married in April this past year to an amazing man. No kids for now, we keep our hands full with 3 dogs and we both work full time and I am studying for my Master's degree in Accounting and Finance (my undergrad is in Biology, don't ask. lol).

    I think between the engagement and wedding photos, I just had enough of my weight. My husband lost about 100 pounds a few years ago (before we were officially together - we were just really good friends at that point) and it really makes me want to do that too. So here I am! I've been heavy my whole life pretty much and I have lost some weight through various means in the past but now I'm going for broke! :)