For Those Who Haven't Gotten PiYo Yet

ATyghter Posts: 44 Member
Hi Ladies,

You guys are going to fall into 2 categories. More than one of you are continuing with the weekly challenges without PiYo and if that's you and you haven't read other posts, I just wanted to let you know that you are welcome to stay in this group and continue to participate. I will continue posting weekly challenges but will add PiYo at the end for those participating in that portion.

The second group is made up of those of you who have joined but have yet purchase your DVDs. You likely will not get them in time but don't let that stop you. I just wanted to let you know that Tonight is the last night for the PiYo Sale and I believe Free Shipping ends tonight as well so if you're in the group that is planning to purchase, I would do that in the next few hours to save yourself some $$$.

Here is the link again: