Check In - August 1st

RheneeB Posts: 461 Member
My workout this morning was called Bicep Builder and I upped my weights. My arms feel like rubber this morning. There were lots of pushups too, which I totally suck at it!! When I first started this program 5 weeks ago I could do about 3 "girl" pushups. I am not on my toes yet but can do about 25 now so there is progress happening!

I was suppose to go to my brothers lakehouse this weekend but rain has settled in so we cancelled. I had made a batch of brownies to take for my niece and nephew ( I might have snuck one) and now I was left with the entire batch and a rainy weekend...that is a dangerous combination for anyone!! But I was strong this morning and did the right thing...the brownies are in the freezer, out of sight, out of mind!!

How has everyone's week gone so far? I have been good and hope that the scale shows it come Monday morning!


  • jafray4
    jafray4 Posts: 118 Member
    Stepped on the scale and was pleasantly surprised I had lost the 3 lbs I gained at the fair and stress eating plus another half a pound extra. Feel so much better being back on track. This weekend we are landscaping our yard... cutting up the sod, regarding, hauling rock, raking, putting in a paver patio,, digging a French drain, and re-sodding. I am guessing that will help my weight loss. I wont even feel bad on Sunday night having drinks and with the neighborhood friends. We have "Sunday Funday" every so often and its just a big party with lots of food and drinks :drinker:

    @ Rhenee - I have no will power so I'm impressed brownies are part of my reason for having gained 3 lbs. I had half a pan leftover from last weekend and eat most of it. Putting it in the freezer is smart. Harder to eat.
  • vgates81
    vgates81 Posts: 15
    I did OK yesterday but my period is coming... which makes me ravenous... so last night I ate an extra bowl of meatballs in tomato sauce, skipped the noodles though. I also skipped my planned desert of a small dark chocolate bar.

    I went over my calorie goal by en extra 350 calories.. so today I am going out with my kids for the afternoon to move and walk a few hours. That should hopefully offset the added calories, and I will be careful that meals today are lighter and full of veggies.

    My best to you all today!
  • RheneeB
    RheneeB Posts: 461 Member
    Jess - looks like you will be burning some great calories doing all of that work. It is suppose to rain all weekend here in my part of Georgia so if anything I will get bored enough to work out an extra day. I can't stand being cooped up in the house and watching television all weekend is not an option.

    Victoria - you are teasing me with all that talk about meatballs and sauce!! I may have been strong enough to freeze my brownies but it is just WRONG to freeze a good meatball!!:laugh:

    Tonight I am trying a new recipe:

    You put a pork loin chop, 2 small baby ears of corn, a couple cut up new potatoes, chunks of onion and bell pepper and baby carrots in a pouch you make with heavy duty aluminum foil....add some seasoning, seal and put on the grill for about 20-25 minutes. The steam cooks the food and allows the seasoning to flavor everything. Can't wait to try it!!!
  • lmgnz
    lmgnz Posts: 7
    Hopped in the scales; down 3lbs. This makes me happy.

    Have a good weekend everyone.
  • sydsquidlee
    sydsquidlee Posts: 51 Member
    UGH fridays are my worst days. I have to be up super early. So I eat two breakfasts or two lunches. My mom made me no bake cookies, my favorite. I hope to get back on track tomorrow. I need to get my workout in, but this rain is making it hard. 5 miles in the rain. doesn't sound fun!

    @jafray4 I completely stayed away from the fair! Healthy options just do not exist!