August Chat



  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,361 Member
    Smilesback: 6 sons! You are a superwoman!

    Granmanana: Love your craft idea. I love to craft, especially with my granddaughter.

    Well, I need to come down from my Irish Fesitval high! Had so much fun! In fact, yesterday afternoon, my daughter and I were dancing up near the stage just like when I was 16! It was hot, too, but it was our favorite band! We danced around some on Saturday night, too. No jigs, we like the celtic rock bands!

    Drank only 2 beers each day and tried to find food that wasn't too unhealthy. However, I did have fish and chips for dinner one night.

    Need to buckle down and get back on track now. Think I will go back to some early diaries when losing seemed easier and replicate some days. I think at times I have gotten a little too lenient with myself. I just keep landing on these plateaus that seem to get longer and longer.

    Hope you all have a great week!
  • LRinFL
    LRinFL Posts: 2 Member
    Hi - I'm 60 y/o and new to myfitnesspal. I've done Medifast in the past with success but gained 30 of the 50 pounds I lost back. This time I want to lose more naturally by being aware of and responsible for everything I eat. Happy August! :smile:
  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,361 Member
    Welcome LRinFL. I think you will like it here.

    I had a doctor recommend Medifast a couple of years ago to me. Just didn't seem like something I wanted to do. Didn't seem, as you say, "natural." Also, I'm not a huge sweets lover and all that stuff is so sweet!

    We have fun here and everyone is so helpful! I love this group!

  • bvifun
    bvifun Posts: 402 Member
    Hi, my name is Wanda and I am addicted to my scales. :blushing:

    I did not really realize this until this last week when my scales have not been working and I do not trust the readings of the week before either. Yes I do weigh myself almost every day and for me it provides motivation so I have felt very unmotivated this last week. Blah. Lyndal suggested I try changing the battery and maybe after the holidays I will get a chance to go search town for the right one.

    It is a 5 day weekend here and we had plans to go to Anegada for the weekend but Mother Nature did not cooperate. We were to leave Saturday but that is the day TS Bertha decided to blow in. She did not do much damage and was gone by evening. We had a very quiet day with all the wind, rain and power outages making it a perfect day for reading. The trip has been rescheduled for tomorrow but unfortunately DH has to work so I am going to go without him. Not as good as if we could both go. I had decided a while ago to give myself a break from MFP and I think I am going to do that. I'm not sure if there is wifi in the rooms anyhow. So I plan to be out of touch until Saturday. I'm looking forward to time with good friends, a good chef and lots of snorkeling.

    I discovered another problem as I was packing. Only one bathing suit fits. Not sure how I got into it before:tongue: I am taking a big safety pin so I do not lose my tankini bottoms coming out of the water. Hehe.


    As an aside......I looked up on the internet to see if it is scale or scales as I tend to use both and the answer is ............ yes, either is correct.
  • gramanana
    gramanana Posts: 762 Member
    Wanda--I used to be addicted to the scale, but we did a lot of traveling in March and April so I got away from it. When we got back I weighed 2 lbs more than when we left and it hasn't moved since. I now get on the scale about twice a week, Monday and Wednesday morning--scale still hasn't budged an inch. Sorry DH has to work, but enjoy your holiday.

    LRinFL--I've never done Medifast, but I did do WeightWatchers. I got discouraged and stopped and put on the weight I'd lost plus 10 more pounds. MFP is a much better place to be--same essential program and I can check in on my own time. Friends are imporant, too, and I have several good ones here. Welcome.

    Charlie--we went to hear music, too, on Sunday. A group that we liked years ago was doing a free concert and it was great fun. It would have been better if my granddaughter had been available because she would have danced with me!

    Craft project moving slowly along, but it is moving. The pics are cut out, next is the plastic covering, then the embroidering. There are only 8 pics, so there shouldn't be any problem. Too many meals out these days, partly due to running errands and partly just due to laziness. Oh well, go with the flow--LOL
  • 53welshlady
    53welshlady Posts: 136 Member
    Wow - you are all so busy with so much going on in your lives! I seem to get up, walk or run with dog, go to work, go to gym, make and eat food, dog walk again, read a bit, prepare food for next day and go to bed!!!

    Don't have children/grandchildren so that makes a big difference I suppose.

    However, have booked a holiday to Cuba for March 2015. We were married there in 2008, and although we did everything right so that the marriage would be legal in this country (UK), we didn't tie up the loose ends so that it would be recognised in Italy where my OH is from. Our intention later was to have another ceremony in Italy. However we can't do this as I will be unable to get a certificate of no impediment to marriage from this country!! So we are going back to Cuba with the marriage certificate (which was duly stamped etc by the British and Commonwealth office in Havana) to have it authorised at the Italian Embassy in Havana. Hopefully..... My OH is supposed to be going to the Embassy here to confirm exactly that this is what he needs to do - impossible to get in touch with them by phone.

    Anyway, I'm sure we will get it sorted one way or another, and if we don't its not the end of the world. Would just make things easier if at any time in the future we were to move to Italy to live.

    Good news is that as I have booked so well in advance, and it is summer here, and I am the size I want to be, I have been able to buy a few bikinis already. I usually end up trying to lose weight before the holiday, then desperately looking around for suitable clothes in the middle of December or January, and in the UK you can never find decent summer clothes in the middle of winter. I booked on Saturday and was hitting the shops on Sunday. Even more of an incentive now for me to stay focused on my weight. Will probably do some online shopping now that I know what size I can wear.

    Just got to save a bit of money now, so that my credit card doesn't take too much of a hammering.
  • wandakc
    wandakc Posts: 227 Member
    Darn, I have been really messing up with forgetting to log my food :grumble: So thing It goes to day 1 again! At least I am trying to stay on track!! I need to beef up my excercise, I did not lose again last week. ON WARD I GO :smile:
  • Rebamae
    Rebamae Posts: 741 Member
    Hey, Wanda, if you don't have time to log, take a picture and log later. That really does work for me!!

    I am ready to have sweet dreams, so will say goodnight to each of you! :flowerforyou:

    "See" you tomorrow :smile:
  • jeanmrob
    jeanmrob Posts: 634 Member
    Heading back home today - not planning on getting weighed until next Wednesday ... the day before we set off again for another long weekend!!!!

    Will read all your news when I get home ..... Scotland has been lovely!

  • gramanana
    gramanana Posts: 762 Member
    53wwlshlady--sounds like your marital situation is complicated enough without children or grandchildren ( LOL). A big congratulations in fitting into a size that pleases's very exciting! I've also reached a size that makes me happy, so I know how happy you must be. Enjoy your trip.

    Jeanrob--glad you enjoyed your visit to Scotland.

    Wandakc--exercise always helps, but logging is very important. It could provide the key to why you didn't lose any weight. I know if works that way for me--I think I'm being careful with what I eat, but if as don't log, the weight goes up. Keep up the good effort and you will realize success.

    Reba--I'm still not getting my newsfeed, so I don't know what's going on with you. I hope you are continuing to be under your calories and doing some exercise every day.

    Have a great day everyone,
  • wandakc
    wandakc Posts: 227 Member
    Good Afternoon Friends, I hope each of you are having a great day!!! I am off to the pool for some swimming and sunning :glasses: I have not had any time outside since my vacation in Florida in JUNE :sad: That can take a toll on my frame of mind.
    I have 4 days off in a row :happy: I am going to eat well, log faithfully, swim and take walks!!

    Thank You everyone for your great words of advice you are all so much appreciated :flowerforyou:
  • smilesback
    smilesback Posts: 327 Member
    Glad you are having fun Wanda :) I love swimming. Yesterday before the hurricane was supposed to hit on the Big Island, I went swimming. It was a bit windy but really good. Today I cleaned the pool up of the leaves and it is waiting for me, only it is too cold today. Tomorrow is a new day. I started my garcinia last night but ate a bunch of brownies. Today is better as I focus more on protein than sugar. I like BBQing and cooked up batches of salmon burgers, chicken thighs, artichoke-spinach dogs and a tri tip steak. I froze them in meal size ziplock bags and am prepared for the next hurricane. It is supposed to miss us, but we will have some winds on Sunday within its *cone*. Seemed somewhat stressful, but we were fortunate to not have a big disturbance with Iselle. I think part of my relationship with food is that it is something I control and I don't like to deny myself. So I cannot think *diet*, but I can think healthy choices. So far so good today as I come off my sugar high from all those brownies. Thanks for listening. I will be back and keep trying.
  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,361 Member
    Smilesback: Okay you really have me intrigued. What are artichoke-spinach dogs? Any artichoke and spinach has to be delicious!

    Jean: Glad you had a good trip. Where to this week?

    Wanda: Enjoy the swim.

    Me: I'm going to "Rock the Ville" tonight. Tomorrow a family cookout and BDay celebration for my ex. If it is nice, might hit the final Chamber Music concert in the evening.

    My fitbit isn't working and I feel lost. I charged it, but I think it drained it instead of charging it, although all the lights were on.

    My daughter showed me how to use some of the machines for a lower body workout at the gym. Next week upper body. Reminds me, I need to do my resistance bands right now as it is lunchtime!
  • Wooken3
    Wooken3 Posts: 634 Member
    strong-wind-smiley-emoticon.gif At Smilesback -- So glad to read Hurricane Iselie passed through your area without too much damage. Now it's time to hunker down for Hurricane Julio to hopefully blow by to the North. No matter where we live, Mother Nature always finds a way to make things exciting!

    vil2-drink.gif When I find myself in a feeding frenzy, I make ice coffee. Fill the largest glass you have with crushed ice and then a combination (to your taste) of coffee and almond milk (sometimes I add a scoop of protein power) . Add a package of Splenda (not needed with protein power) and drink through a straw. For me, ice coffee is thick and sweet enough to trick the brain into thinking I'm eating.

    Please add a post after Julio blows through so we know all is well.

    Take care, ~w3
  • bvifun
    bvifun Posts: 402 Member
    I had a lovely mini vacation on Anegada away from it all. The snorkeling turned out not be very good right now but I had an amazing 6 year old snorkel partner. She is part mermaid and got so excited over every little fish we saw. The big safety pin in my tankini bottoms worked until a big wave came and then I mooned. Lol. We had 2 days of great weather and horrid weather for the trip back.

    I had hoped that my new found habits with food would prevail but.......put me in a hotel room with lots of junk food and I returned to inhaling junk food. Ah well, lessons are best learned from the bad stuff. I do not feel like getting back into things yet but I will start with recoding what I eat and then work on finding more motivation. Today's start is to catch up on how you others are doing as your support reminds me I am not the only one in this boat. t31121.gif
  • gramanana
    gramanana Posts: 762 Member
    Smilesback: Glad the storm missed you and hope the next one does, too. Be safe.

    BVIfun: Glad you had fun. You'll get back in the swing of things quickly.

    Wanda: Enjoy your time off. It is important to renew yourself periodically and enjoy. Sounds like you've got a good plan in mind.
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,755 Member
    Hi, I have finally got myself back on track, mostly. and am ready to try and win my battle with my weight AGAIN. I have made my diary private as I am tweaking with the food/exercise balance still but I have to start sometime and today seemed like the right time to do it. I had come so far and just feel off the wagon hard. I am starting lower than my first round with MFP, but higher than when I left.
    I am looking forward to catching up with my friends here in the group.

    Gramanana, Happy 65th, I turned 65 in July, it isn't bad at all. My sister who hit 55 this June, 4days before my 65th, and my other sister who is in between us went away for a 3 day weekend. We even did a zip line across the Colorado River. That is what started bringing my motivation back. If I can face that that holey bridge between the towers and speeding across the river, I can probably handle measuring, weighing food and doing exercise regularly again. Now that my husband is retired, we go for a walk 5 days a week now. I will be joining him in retirement on Sept. 1. only 9 more actual working days left due to my crazy schedule. He got the TRX installed I still have to learn those exercises but it is in there anytime I want to give it a go. And my medicare advantage program has the Silver Sneakers membership included with it. So no excuses not to start a real exercise program when I am free :bigsmile:

    Going to go get a dose of motivation by reading what all you gals and guys have been up to while I was away. Hope some of you remember me!!! :laugh:
  • smilesback
    smilesback Posts: 327 Member
    Thanks GRamma, Wooken and everyone here for caring. Love that emoticon in the wind!

    The hurricanes didn't hurt us, we got no rain and little wind. My son however has 2 albezia trees on his roof. He lives on the Hilo side where the storm hit first. He has no power but didn't get hurt and is okay. We do have hurricane insurance, but the deductible is high. I have a lot more empathy for people who have disasters strike their house or business.

    GM - Costco carries these Sabatinos - Smoked Mozerella With Artichoke & Garlic Chicken Sausages that are low in calorie and delicious. They are my new find :) Bummer when you cannot count steps! I love technology too and can't stand it when I need a new battery for my FitBit.
    BV - awareness is half the battle, you can turn this around and it will take time. Vacations are meant to shake you up and enjoy!
    W3 - love iced coffee and the thought to make one to fend off a food eating frenzy.
  • smilesback
    smilesback Posts: 327 Member
    I am starting to exercise a whole lot more. Yesterday I did 2 hours and today the scale went down. I want to keep the momentum going. Wish me luck :)
  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,361 Member
    What all are you doing, Smiles?