My Challenge!!!!!

I've come up with "No Sugar Saturday" SAY WHAT?????? That's right ladies. If it's sweet, you can't This will be the hardest thing for me to do. I need ALL of your support, which means you will have to check in as soon as you read this, and through out the day to help me with this! WHO CAN I COUNT ON? Is it you? Or is it you? Or you over it you?
So get ready.......set......go!


  • Cara8359
    Cara8359 Posts: 15 Member
    I made it through No Sugar Saturday successfully! I also made it through Mostly No Sugar Sunday, as a follow-up, but then I had about six bites of dessert at Charleston's since it was my birthday. Otherwise? I'm working on quitting this sugar stuff wherever and whenever possible! It doesn't do my body good - sugar ages skin, ages your organs, and is just generally bad for you. And you know what is just as bad, possibly worse? Artificial sweeteners. If you're going to have a soda, have a real one. As bad as sugar is for you, that artificial stuff is quite possibly worse. So, I guess what I'm saying here is - if you want something sweet, OWN it. Don't justify it by saying, oh, it's not as many calories because it is artificially sweetened. We need to give this stuff UP, girlies... Who's with me on THIS one?