Non cheese options...

ajax041813 Posts: 136 Member
I am about two weeks into keto so I realize my body is still adapting. I do use the keto stix daily and I am in the moderate to heavy range. My dairy is open if anyone would like to view it. I was so excited to try cheese again as I had cut it out of my diet for years due to IBS & lactose intolerance, or so I thought. I got some fontinella cheese about a week ago and was able to tolerate it without running for a bathroom a half hour later! But now, my sinuses get inflamed, I get super tired but can't get comfortable enough to take a nap. The sinus headache is the worst of it. The tiredness could be my body still adapting to keto, or something else entirely. Any thoughts on any of this? The obvious answer is to not eat cheese again.,Sigh. Any cheese-like suggestions out there? Thanks a lot in advance!


  • I felt like crap for first 4 weeks getting keto adapted. Didn't matter what I ate or didn't, it could be keto flu. Don't eat cheese now and try after few weeks. Also dial down those Plyo work outs or high intensity stuff for few weeks. Your body uses carbs at high intensity and the body initially in keto is not fully used to using fat as fuel.
  • ajax041813
    ajax041813 Posts: 136 Member
    I was wondering about the workouts. I will stop and do some different, less intense workouts to keep myself in a routine. Thanks for confirming my suspicions.