Tuesday August 5th - Check In!

Hey all.. I went on a weekend (+Monday)splurge of stress and hormone induced "I don't care!!" eating. *facepalm* But I am back to my senses and I plan to be more careful. Exercise and mandatory good eating for me today... no treats... not even small extras that fit in my calorie goals.

I have always been told if you go off track, accept it, then get back on track and don't let it stop you.

I hope you all have had more willpower than I have.


  • jafray4
    jafray4 Posts: 118 Member
    Back from my long weekend. We spend 5 hours on Friday, 10 hours on Saturday, 5 hours Sunday, and 8 hours on Monday landscaping. I would probably lose a ton of weight this week from all of the hard work, but we ate horribly and drank Saturday when we were done for the night. Still hoping for a loss this week. If I shape up and eat better the rest of the week.

    I too use the when off track or have a bad day (or a few), accept it and get back at it. It makes a huge difference to see what I am eating. I had some slushy drinks on Saturday and didn't think much of it. Added it in to my calories b4 bed and WOW it added up to what I normally eat in one day :noway:
  • lmgnz
    lmgnz Posts: 7
    Hey all. I didn't do as well as I wanted but it wasn't a total loss. Friends were in town so there was lots of eating, drinking and merry-making. But I got to the gym both Sat/Sun and worked hard there. All in all, I was still under my calorie allowance for Sat/Sun/Mon but eating rich/fatty foods all weekend has left me feeling pretty skeevy and lacking in energy today.

    As jafray4 says, accept it and get back at it.
  • sydsquidlee
    sydsquidlee Posts: 51 Member
    Hey All!

    I completely understand having a few drinks, they add up so fast calorie wise. I also feel like I eat more when I drink. Its a lose lose situation. I did ok yesterday til like 8 pm when I have a snack bag of peanuts. Didn't need those calorie. But on track today. I found my biggest problem is when I have to eat out. Everything is so oversized as a potion and filled with calories.