8/6/14. Check in !!!!

gsheppy Posts: 283 Member
Good morning all. Missing the chats.
Well I guess in will express my feelings. I wish I had more energy to t25.. It's all I have to walk. Min am too tired and too hot to want to work out. I have been working so hard to pay for hockey for my son, which is due sept 1. My ex-husband is behind and I barely have the money to pay my mortgage or my other bills. Then to top it off the kids are going back to school,in a couple of weeks and my teenage daughters keep,on asking when we are going to go clothes shopping for school. I try to tell them I can't afford it right now. They get all pissy.

Happy note, my birthday is tomorrow. I have not reach my goal I set but it's ok. I am still going down. Everyday is a challenge. I try to make the healthy choice, sometime the devil wins. Lol. I am blessed with a wonderful husband, 3 great kids and my health.

Well as I read back this sounds very depressing. Smile. Tomorrow is my birthday. It's like a holiday in my house. Have a great hump day.


  • mamacoates
    mamacoates Posts: 430 Member
    Hi Gen! Love your new photo!! Wishing for more energy too. I feel like I am teetering back and forth over the same 3-5 lbs every month because I just do not have the energy to stay consistent. This past week was a rocky one. I found myself "stress eating" a lot because of everything going on at work. Several of us even joked about our food choices this week. "Bad week to give up chips" was my addition. Then just too fried by the time I got home from work to make it to the gym.

    But today starts a new weekend ... Happy Birthday Gen!! Hoping you had an awesome day and you are feeling cheerier now. My husband's birthday is tomorrow and I haven't the faintest idea what we are going to do for him. I am working today as well so not much time to figure it out.

    Hoping more people start jumping into our chats. I admit it is hard to foster a group of like-minded folks when everyone is too busy to check in now and again ... but wishing you and everyone lots of success this coming week, just the same!! :drinker: