My Story

Hello lovelies, my name is Bree, and about five years ago, when I was a freshman in high school, the hair on my head started falling out, by the brush-full. I could brush my hair and fill up the brush every single time. This led to me seeing my regular old doctor. Then a dermatologist. Then an endocrinologist. Lots of blood work later I was told I had PCOS, but i wasn't what you would call a typical case. You see the only thing I had was high testosterone levels and mild alopecia. No cysts. No irregular periods. No insulin resistance. No weird hair growth. The doctor put me on birth control and that was it. I have pretty much tried to forget it for the past five years. I never wanted to think of myself as abnormal or different than anyone else. I thought that people might judge me for my "illness". But earlier today my mom showed me something about "Yoga for PCOS" and it suddenly brought back everything. I have been googling like mad, which probably is a bad thing, bet hey, what else am i to do with the internet. Now I am left with all sorts of questions, but no answers. I don't want to be alone in this, so that is why I am here. To have someone else who has been through what I have been through. Someone that understands.


  • ImaniF
    ImaniF Posts: 3 Member
    Hello everyone,

    I am a 29 (soon to be 30) year old woman. I have been overweight for as long as I can remember but my weight has steadily increased over the years. At my highest, I was close to 300lbs. As my weight increased, my cycles became more irregular and longer. I would go three months without a period then my cycle would last two to three weeks once it arrived. My husband and I stopped preventing pregnancy three years ago but have not been blessed with a child. Now that we are married, we are ready to address the issue. I started following the Paleo eating program in March and lost 48lbs in 3 months. However, I had to stall my weight loss in order to fit my wedding dress (alterations are expensive!!!!!) Now that the wedding is over, I am ready to get back into my plan, but this time it's been more difficulty to mentally get back to that place. I am looking for moral support in this journey and ready to get healthy. I would love to have children and I am hoping to achieve this goal naturally. So let's go ladies, it's baby time!!!