How do you Gauge your Success

ramurray8 Posts: 25 Member
How is everyone gauging thier success? I've been steadily getting more fit the past 6 months and the scale hasn't moved. I realize that muscle weighs more than fat, but at the same time I'm not seeing the results I thought I would see.

I can tell my arms are fitter, there is a muscle definition that I never had before. Same for my legs. Now i just need my tummy to follow suite! I know I can lift more than before and do more pushups than before.

For the most part my clothing fits a little better and I find myself "sucking in" less, but I was wondering how others tried to track progress.

[edited to add]: I saw that a lot of this board is posting on another thread and some of those posts discussed this very question! If you don't mind, humor me and tell me again ;) I'm still new to the group and had a tough time following the entire thread. Thanks!!