This is a little post I thought would be fun to share.. My Mom who is like 65 wants to take me shopping Sunday and wants to have BRUNCH ....specifically pancakes with me.. lol.. now, i have been on PALEO for 2 months.. Pancakes is something that i wont even look at or dont even crave at this point.. Especially since i am going to Europe in 2 weeks and want to look my best.. HOWEVER she is someone like me who watches her weight and only eats out of order on special occasions.. She knows i am doing low carb and does not say anything, but if we are at a dinner, party or shopping she gives me a lot of issues about HAVING FUN and ENJOYING life.. so like i dont know what i am going to do... First of all pancakes are no good for you, on the other hand.. Sharing pancakes with your mom is a FUN thing to do... and i dont want to hear the entire song and dance about me being not fun.

Maybe i will just order eggs and bacon and eat a few bites of "our" pancake or somehow make it look like i ate it..

Thing is. when i was younger, i loved arguing with her.. NOW that i am older,,, no way.. ALL i want is to make her happy.. and if she comes up with some weird thing from when she was young on how i should live my life, i just smile and tell her she is perfect and i love her,,, xoxooxox


  • Nutmeg76
    Nutmeg76 Posts: 258 Member
    SO, I am late to the party on this one. Did you know that there is a connection between gluten intolerance and hyporthyroidism? I think this is why I did so well with paleo for weight loss. If it comes up again, just talk about that with her. Tell her right now it is an experiment but you don't want to mess it up by eating something that would interfere with your thyroid function. A good mom isn't going to want to jeopordize her daughter's health.
  • maria_antoinette
    maria_antoinette Posts: 239 Member
    SO, I am late to the party on this one. Did you know that there is a connection between gluten intolerance and hyporthyroidism? I think this is why I did so well with paleo for weight loss. If it comes up again, just talk about that with her. Tell her right now it is an experiment but you don't want to mess it up by eating something that would interfere with your thyroid function. A good mom isn't going to want to jeopordize her daughter's health.

    she was totally ok with it... and i did not even CRAVE IT which is like crazy because in the past. i would have eaten the pancake and syrup ..... i am in awe how well the PALEO curbs my appetite for crappy food
  • Nutmeg76
    Nutmeg76 Posts: 258 Member