Hypoglycemic episode...

PapaJames Posts: 12 Member
I had another hypoglycemic episode at 3am this morning.

Fortunately it woke me up. I was clammy, sopping wet, and a bit disoriented. The sweat was literally rolling off me. Got up and did a blood sugar test which read 58. Drank a pint of orange juice and a tablespoon of peanut butter and stayed up until my glucose made it to 70. Still low, but headed up. This morning it's back to a normal 110.

Now I know why my doc suggested a Lean Cuisine if I needed it! I ate/drank under 400 clear liquid diet calories yesterday... he said I could go up to 890. Calling my Endo today for advise on adjusting my insulin pump.

I'm so anxious for my surgery... TEN days!


  • pawoodhull
    pawoodhull Posts: 1,759 Member
    Wow! Glad you knew what to do and it all worked out for you!
  • rpyle111
    rpyle111 Posts: 1,066 Member
    Scary stuff! Glad it turned out OK and you learned something about the liquid diet and how to handle it.

  • asia1967
    asia1967 Posts: 707 Member
    James: Sorry to hear about that. While you are talking to your doctors, also ask about if your treat your hypoglycemia the same way after WLS. I end up with hypoglycemia after my sleeve (which apparently is rare for a sleeve) anyhow I treat with protein, not carbs. Something else to think about. Or better yet maybe you will get to "normal" an not have to worry about anything. Wouldn't that be nice. Good luck either way, and I will pray that your next 10 days flies by for you. Take care.
  • ATXHeather
    ATXHeather Posts: 218 Member
    That's scary! I am glad you had the sense at the time to do what you needed to do to get it under control.
  • katematt313
    katematt313 Posts: 624 Member
    Scary stuff! I hope they have a good plan for you post-op! You have to be so careful with insulin, especially when you are doing such a low carb/low cal liquid diet.

    I was T2, not insulin dependent, pre-op, and I came home from the hospital after VSG with no diabetes symptoms, normal blood sugars, taking no meds at all. I hope it is possible for you to experience the same thing.

    Good luck.
  • suz4short
    suz4short Posts: 2 Member
    I had hypoglycemia before my wls but hadn't had issues for years... once I had my surgery it all changed, now I have to really watch! My biggest help is protein (like asia said), keeps me from so many episodes! Good luck and make sure you talk to your doctor on a regular basis (something I didn't do)!
  • Holly_penguin
    Holly_penguin Posts: 149 Member
    I don't have diabetes, but my father does and my fiancee had hypoglycemic episodes after WLS as well.

    In my experience the best thing to do is carb + protein. My best example was coconut custard pie, sweet adn full of eggs and milk. Not WLS friendly though.

    With my Dad he checks his glucose levels prior to bed and has a "snack" if he needs it. He is also in full renal faliure, so snacks are hard to find for him due to dietary/liquid restrictions. A slice of toast with cream cheese works for him. Or a few slices of smoked turkey and a small apple. Stuff like that.

    His pump was taken away as well, since the DR's couldn't adjust it to not sned him into "lows" overnight. We had a few scary episdoes that involved him being unresponsive and calling 911. He is back on the pen. The pump was convienent, but the pen works better for him now.

    it's possible after surgery, you won't be able to go back to your pump. but God willing you won't need insulin any longer either. *crossing fingers*