Returning MFP member

CourtneyCL Posts: 9 Member
Hi! I'm a returning MFP member and I'm hoping that I can get going on my weight loss! I'm tired of sabotaging myself and my goals, so any input or help would be great. Baby #4 is almost eight months old and I want to lose this weight!


  • doctorregenerated
    doctorregenerated Posts: 188 Member
    Congrats on 4 babies, mama!!
    You must be exhausted.
    I have two that make me happy and sleepy at the same time, lol. They are 6 and 7 now, but 8 months was the best.
    Welcome back and good luck with your fitness goals ) Friend me if you'd like!
  • nmeech
    nmeech Posts: 9 Member
    I am also recently back to mfp and looking for people to keep me motivated! I just have 2 "fur" babies but would like to lose weight now so I can think about having a healthy family in the future!
  • andielyn
    andielyn Posts: 233 Member
    Congrats on your 4 babes! I'm not a success story yet so my only advice is just don't quit. Just keep at it. I keep blowing my streak, and took a couple weeks to focus on other issues than weight loss, but kept my eye on the prize and promised myself my break wouldn't be one of those "quit and start again months later" things. I still logged in, checked on my mfp friends, and didn't put the journey in my rearview mirror. And then I just joined this group.

    The road is different for everyone...but whatever road it is you can't get to where you are going without traveling it. Maybe you have to make a pit stop like me or are better barreling down the road as fast as you can. Figure out what works for you and keep at it. Before you know it we'll both be in better places! Wishing you lots of success!