Thoughts Regarding Post Assessment Results

RFoster13 Posts: 1 Member I was feeling somewhat sorry for myself today for gaining weight, body fat, and inches (yes...literally up in ALL areas).... I came to a realization. It's OK! It's not THAT big of a deal! It's NOT the end of the world! (Can you tell I'm really trying to make myself believe this positive self-talk here!) :) I know that may sound silly, but that's what I need to keep reminding myself. I sensed that others were feeling my same frustration and disappointment with not getting the results they wanted (even if the results they got were good- everyone always seems to want more). I tried to reassure friends that seemed down about not losing "enough" because I genuinely feel everyone did great! If I feel the need to tell my friends and fellow boot campers, "Good job!" Then I should be saying the same thing to myself, right? I felt like this revelation was one that may benefit others too. Rather than looking at your results like they're yours.... look at them like they're a friend's. Would you say the same things you're saying (or thinking) to yourself? If not, then what would you tell a friend? THAT is what you need to tell yourself! :D

I know I sometimes lose sight of the bigger reasons I attempt to eat well and work out. It makes me feel better! And that is more important than a number on the scale or body fat tester, right?! I realized as long as you're making healthy choices, it shouldn't matter! How do you guys keep a positive frame of mind? What things have helped you pull yourself out of a slump?


  • Kenzieann105
    Kenzieann105 Posts: 1 Member
    I know at the start of my weight loss journey. I struggled. First boot camp I ever did I quit. But i came back and came back strong. So whether someone lost 5 lbs or 20 lbs or maintained they all worked their butts off and worked toward a better and healthier future. I was happy with my results and many people have noticed the changes but I still have a lot further to go! I know I'm going to need my boot camp family to help keep me motivated! Everyone does a great job! Keep working it and you will see results! Even when I don't lose weight I try to tell myself it's about being healthy not skinny (I want to be skinny) but healthy is going to keep me here for my family and friends. Think of the way you feel after you workout or lose that 2 lbs. I feel better every day that I make good healthy decision. Something like that I don't want to end!
  • ehsteach
    ehsteach Posts: 1 Member
    I needed to read this today! After working so hard and getting with in half a pound of the goal weight I set 2.5 years ago I was still feeling like it wasn't enough. Especially after hearing all the rewards people got. I was beating myself up like I should have done more with the fact is that I HAVE done something. I have changed my life!!!!! I am so much happier and healthier now.
    Thanks for the motivation Randi!!!!!
  • plsheet
    plsheet Posts: 2 Member
    My personal results were disheartening, but seeing the success of everyone else was extremely motivating! For the first time, I believe that I CAN be better.
  • plsheet
    plsheet Posts: 2 Member
    congratulations on 40 lbs down Jamie!! That is fantastic!