Progress so far

ajax041813 Posts: 136 Member
Today is officially 3 weeks of following the ketogenic diet and logging it on MFP and working out 15-20 min 5x a week. I have lost 5lbs, 2.5" from my lower abdomen, where I wear my pants! This was where I stored most of fat, in the belly, ya know the worst kind. I can see the fat loss in my upper arms, legs, face, entire torso, just everywhere!! I'm sure it's at least a little water weight, if not all. I just like that I can see progress already, I like eating this way, I feel full and enjoy what I eat. If I am craving something, I just portion it out to a manageable amount and I'm good.

So, what is YOUR progress so far? What do you like about this way of eating? Anything you really dislike? I wanted to share my excitement with people who would get it so thanks for reading!!!


  • Iloveyarnz
    Iloveyarnz Posts: 10 Member
    Hello! I have been doing Keto for about two months now. Lost around 26 pounds and 6 inches around my waist. I love that I'm never hungry! Keep up the good work!
  • dcristo213
    dcristo213 Posts: 117 Member
    I've been doing keto for about 1 month. I've lost 12 lbs...I gained 1lbs last week, but not stressing. It just happened to coincide with me starting to workout. I love the feeling of being in ketosis. I almost never feel hungry and have lots of energy.
  • radiii
    radiii Posts: 422 Member
    I've been on keto for 7 months and have lost 46 pounds (6'4" 37 y/o male, started at 323, aiming for 220, at 277 right now). I'm diabetic, I had already gotten off meds to control blood sugar using a standard diet, but I was miserable a lot of the time and would get a lot of low blood sugars b/c I was trying to control things very tightly. On Keto all of that happens naturally, my blood sugar is basically the same all the time and I feel so much better eating this way. I sleep better and have more energy too.

    The first few months I hardly exercised any but I joined a gym about 6 weeks ago and have been getting more serious about my fitness level. My weight loss also stalled when I did that for about 3-4 weeks, but I think that mostly has to do with water retention with all the added activity. The weight is progressing down again and I'm clearly losing inches.

    No complaints really, I haven't felt any serious desire to cheat or anything since the first couple weeks.
  • radiii
    radiii Posts: 422 Member
    I've been doing keto for about 1 month. I've lost 12 lbs...I gained 1lbs last week, but not stressing. It just happened to coincide with me starting to workout.

    Just noticed that you said you'd only been doing keto for a month as well. google keto and PISS, or head over to reddit and check out their FAQ if you've never done so before ( and search through some posts if you're interested. PISS stands for "post induction stall syndrome", its very common to have a stall after that initial period where you drop a ton of mostly water weight. Definitely nothing to worry about :)
  • MikeCrazy
    MikeCrazy Posts: 2,716 Member
    I've been doing keto/low carb for about 40 days now, and hit my weight goal. I have trouble some days staying in ketosis, as I am not always able to control what food I have to eat, but I have stayed low carb this whole time. When I am out of ketosis, I can feel it, and it makes me want to snack all the time. In contrast, when I'm in keto, I feel like I'm not eating enough, and have trouble eating even 2000 cal per day. I'm 6'1", and my cal intake for maint should be somewhere around 2300-2400 cal.

    Also, I seem to enter ketosis at anything under 20% carb intake. I don't know if that's an issue or what, but I get acetone breath at about 10-15% fat or less. I have increased my activity level, so maybe my metabolism has gone up...idk.
  • persistentsoul
    persistentsoul Posts: 268 Member
    snap :)
    It has been 3 weeks for me too. this week is start of week 4 for me.
    I loved that all my water retention issues were solved week one resulting in a wieght loss better than i could have hoped for. I know it was only water but my goodness it was a lot of water in my case and I feel better without it. My skin is super soft and smooth. People keep telling me how well I look. The constant craving for food is gone !!!!!!!!! I don't have to think about what i am going to eat as much.
  • mjrose514
    mjrose514 Posts: 60 Member
    I'm excited even though it's not progress like y'all's. I've been lchf for 5 days and of the 10.8#s I've lost in two weeks, more than half has been since in the last couple of days! I know it's water weight, but it took me sooooo much longer on ww with a lot more cravings and hunger pains! It even looked like I was getting my hour glass shape back! It's still covered in fat, but up until recently I still had a waist, and now it's coming back!
  • X0LX0
    X0LX0 Posts: 9
    I've been doing keto for about 1 month. I've lost 12 lbs...I gained 1lbs last week, but not stressing. It just happened to coincide with me starting to workout.

    Just noticed that you said you'd only been doing keto for a month as well. google keto and PISS, or head over to reddit and check out their FAQ if you've never done so before ( and search through some posts if you're interested. PISS stands for "post induction stall syndrome", its very common to have a stall after that initial period where you drop a ton of mostly water weight. Definitely nothing to worry about :)

    Lol @ PISS