It's Almost 90 Days...How Did We Do?

sherambler Posts: 303 Member
Since this Friday marks the 90 days. I thought someone should start a thread about how we all did on this 90 day journey...What did you learn? How much did you lose?

For me, I learned a lot about myself...about my ability to get back on the horse, about how easy it is for me to recommit after getting off track, and being back on the boards after a long silent period made me realize I do have the knowledge and skills to be successful. My boyfriend and I are doing this together now and it feels like we're actually a team this time around. I didn't know losing weight meant so much to him and I also didn't realize I was the one primarily sabotaging our efforts. This is good. It helps me know precisely what I need to work on to lose weight in the long term.

I also learned that I can do a 5K in the same amount of time as some of my thin friends, which gave my ego a boost.