I'm Going to give it a try!

Definately like this message board better than the other one with so many critics and know it all's!

I have 100+ pounds to lose and have recently started making "lifestyle" changes in my eating habits the past couple months. I basically cut out bread, red meat, pasta, cheese, sour cream, boxed & fast foods, cut down drastically on my addicted diet soda drinking (I have not given up completley, but compared to what I use to drink, I am doing good). I also starting drinking water, which I never drank. I eat alot more vegetables and fruits. I have never been a big red meat eater, mostley eat chicken and I have added alot more fish & shrimp. I have not exercised in 5+ years and have managed to do a little bit of that too, but not much and I am not consistent. Having made what I consider "drastic" changes, I have only lost 6 pounds in the past 2 months and it is quiet discouraging,

I figure what do I have to lose except weight in trying this. The menu is more than what I have been eating on most days of my healthy lifestyle changes. In the morning I would just have a light yoplait yogurt at 90 calories and maybe a fruit for snack so I piece of toast with peanut butter is heaven to me and coffee too (which I also gave up). The menu is also simple foods that mostly I already had and can keep in my mini fridge at work. The only thing I do not like and will never eat is cottage cheese. My mother has ate it for years but I have never been able to bring myself to try it (it looks like baby throw up to me) but I read that you can substitue ricotta cheese, so I bought that instead. I can't imagine eating that by itself either but I know I like it in lasagna so I will give it a shot. If you have any other sugestions please let me know.

Today is day 1, we'll see how it goes! I have a wedding on September 20th and if I could lose 10 to 20 pounds by then, it would be great!!! I'll keep you posted.