Not falling for that old trick again!

Last year in an attempt to maintain my perfect goal weight of 128 I HIT the gym harder then ever.. Doing Cardio with a CALORIE BELT.. I must have burned close to 1000 calories a day.. I then proceeded to really not count calories or watch what i was was eating to much or bother to weigh myself.... thinking i was so FLY and ha ha 3 months NOTHING FIT,,, i must have gained over 10 lbs.++++ this YEAR i am not falling for that old trick again..

This year i am again at goal weight & finally HITTING the gym like before with a few changes..

1) I am doing equal amount of cardio and weights & not overdoing anything.. ( i have knee issues anyway)
2) i am not EATING extra calories just because i am working out
3) the calories i do eat are 100% natural healthy food.... no more protein bars full of processed who knows what
4) i am adding alot more healthy fat to my diet..

I am pretty sure in 3 months i will have either MAINTAINED this weight or lost a few inches or lbs.. but in NO WAY will i gain weight.. and if i stay accountable to myself and stay on this ....

I really was delusional to think i can EAT back all the calories i was burning ...................