Day 27, August 15

ronercat Posts: 273 Member
Hello all!

It seems like this week has been a pretty good one for some of us here in Mobo Moto and that makes me happy. First we have Karen who was received the insurance go ahead for her surgery. Woo!! Next we have Pat with his 50 mile ride coming up on Sunday (that is just incredible). For me it was pretty good as well. With my new schedule I was able to play basketball, racquetball and tennis this week, which may have helped me cut a few more pounds than expected. Hopefully everyone else had a solid week or at least have some fun plans for the weekend.


  • KarenZen
    KarenZen Posts: 1,430 Member
    Zac, thanks for getting us rolling today! I had a very, very late night last night and decided to just let myself sleep for as long as I needed, which apparently was until noon!

    This HAS been a good week! I'm so thrilled to see so much activity in here and people finding time to exercise even through illness, busy work, mob rule in Missouri, and everything else.

    Pat, I think in solidarity I'm going to do a three hour shoreline swim on Sunday. Summer will end soon, and I'd like to reach my distance goal over labor day weekend.

    This weekend is a fun one here--we're going to the annual Great Falls Balloon Festival in Lewiston. We usually go to the Sunday sunrise launch. Get there at 5 a.m. and set out our picnic blankets, about a dozen of us, and we have breakfast and lots of coffee while we watch the hot air balloons getting filled, then at sunrise, they launch into the air and float down the Androscoggin river. It's quite beautiful! Tomorrow I'll pick blackberries to put in a fresh fruit salad.

    I'm still over the moon about my insurance approval. Getting my life back!

    How are the rest of y'all doing today?
  • PatrickB_87
    PatrickB_87 Posts: 738 Member
    You know I can be thankful for the fact that whenever I have given in and made a bad food decision, like the one sitting in my stomach right now, that the food always ends up tasting like... well a glittered turd (to use a phrase we all enjoy). It seems to help me avoid making these mistakes, well not all the time clearly.
  • PatrickB_87
    PatrickB_87 Posts: 738 Member
    Thanks Zac, and good work. You seem to be chasing those pounds off left and right. Tennis, baseball and racquetball, three more sports I can add to my list of not knowing how to play... beyond the general idea.

    I'll be thinking of your Karen as I do the ride, when I'm 30 miles is and wondering what the hell I got myself into and wondering if your holding up better then I am :)

    Anyway, I'm excited for sunday and its about all I can concentrate on.
  • catladyksa
    catladyksa Posts: 1,269 Member
    You guys are doing GREAT!!!!!! Very inspiring!! This is your I need to get my rear in gear and get ready to go for a short car ride. Plan on doing a lot of mall walking today!! Hot and humid...can't do it outdoors so mall walking appeals more! Have a great weekend!! Whether you are riding a bike, swimming in a lake, playing tennis or other sports....Have a great one!!!

  • mikesgirl4evr
    mikesgirl4evr Posts: 363 Member
    Hi everyone, things were a little calmer around here until this morning. I'm afraid to even watch the news anymore. Well, Michael's surgery didn't happen. Starting at midnight that day, Dr. Horton had 2 emergency liver transplants come in. We completely understand; two years ago we were that emergency liver transplant. The thing that ticked us off is that no one from the surgery center bothered to call us and let us know. So, we get up at 4 am for our 5 am pick-up time. We get there at 6 am like they asked us to be and THAT'S when they let us know. Pretty crappy in my opinion, not to mention unprofessional. He is back on the schedule and has a date for next Friday afternoon. I pray that it happens. I am getting so tired of his moaning and groaning over this teeny tiny hernia. It's barely as big as the tip of my pinky. Mine was the size of a softball and they wouldn't operate on it till I lost weight after my gastric bypass and I was in no where near the pain he says he is.

    I posted this on the other thread, but I want to say it again.....WhooooHooooo Karen. I am so excited for you. I remember when I found out I was approved and my surgery was actually going to happen. If there's anything I can help you with, just holler.

    Everyone is doing so wonderful and I am overjoyed for you all. I am stuck in such a terrible rut and no matter what I do the scale doesn't want to budge. I think I'm going to give the dietitian from my surgeon's office a call on Monday. Because of my surgery, I'm not sure how many calories a day I'm supposed to be getting. I don't know if because I'm so far out I should be following the normal BMR/TDEE way of thinking or if I'm still supposed to be getting the extremely low amount recommended for RNY patients. I'm either getting too many calories or not enough since I'm usually eating an amount between the two. This not losing anything is really starting to get to me and is putting me in bad place mentally. Hopefully he/she will have some answers for me. I don't know how much longer I can take this.

    My weekend is going to be a pretty good one. Tomorrow I'm going to clean house and do some laundry. Then on Sunday, Michael's sister from Ohio is coming to visit for a few days. It'll be nice to have another woman around to talk to. I hope everyone has a really nice weekend.

    Dee from the Crazy Place better known as St. Louis
  • KarenZen
    KarenZen Posts: 1,430 Member
    Holy cow! I missed the weigh-ins. Good job on the losses! Wow!!!