NSV of the day



  • TelJanin
    TelJanin Posts: 27 Member
    So, this is a weird one, but I noticed it about a week ago.

    There are gaps in between my toes again now. You can still see the indentation, where they used to press together, but it isn't happening any more. I was looking at my feet while standing on the scale and said 'huh'. I'll be honest, I've checked them several times since while sockless, just because it's so different.
  • cathylopez1975
    cathylopez1975 Posts: 191 Member
    My favorites of the week......

    I teach elementary school music and this week was teacher in-service (the week before kids come back). I was talking to one of the teachers about seeing a former parent over the summer and she really didn't know who I was even though I had taught her kids for a number of years. My teacher friend said she probably didn't since I'm so skinny now.

    I was at an elementary music meeting with folks I see only a couple of times a year. Someone I have known for 13 years came up and said he hardly recognizes me any more and called me "skinnie minnie". I KNOW I'm not "skinny" but I look as small as anyone now. The name "Skinny" just makes me smile.
  • mrron2u
    mrron2u Posts: 919 Member
    Today's NSV for me - did a 5K this morning. While I didn't run it 100% I still beat my personal best time by coming in under 41 minutes. If I had really tried to prep I could have done better. Nice to see how well I did with 50+ less pounds on me! Felt great!
  • GlucernaBrand
    Outstanding! You sound so humble about finishing a 5K and setting a new PR without really purposefully aiming for a specific time goal. This is a fantastic accomplishment and an awesome NSV. ~Lynn /Glucerna
  • DenDweller
    DenDweller Posts: 1,438 Member
    I just bought myself some 33 pants and jeans and some medium shirts.

    Medium. Unreal. :noway:
  • Naughty_ZOOT
    Naughty_ZOOT Posts: 4,314 Member
    So there is a name for this weird phenomenon, lol. My biggest one is putting my type 2 diabetes into remission and eliminating my meds in the process.

    I have also noticed that even with losing only 27 lbs of my 80 lb goal to date that my measurements are still the same with a tape measure (weird) however my clothes are down 2 sizes from and 18 to a 14 and I just bought a pile of new shirts in a medium which is amazing since I have been in an XL for years. I got a swimsuit today 2 sizes smaller which was exciting! So regardless of no changes in the tape measure and modest ones on the scales, my clothing is the most telling feature for me. I also now have lumpy and squishy fat that is really odd looking but is supposed to be a positive precursor to a whoosh so bring it on!
  • mrron2u
    mrron2u Posts: 919 Member
    My NSV of the day - I just out-biked two 14 year olds! We did 14.5 miles and they begged me to go home for the last 7! I could have gone quite a bit longer!
  • amberj32
    amberj32 Posts: 663 Member
    My NSV of the day - I just out-biked two 14 year olds! We did 14.5 miles and they begged me to go home for the last 7! I could have gone quite a bit longer!

    Now that's an amazing feeling!!
  • mrron2u
    mrron2u Posts: 919 Member
    NSV - I just realized that I no longer have to stretch out my shirts before putting them on!
  • amberj32
    amberj32 Posts: 663 Member
    NSV - I just realized that I no longer have to stretch out my shirts before putting them on!

    Awesome!! I know that feeling! (Stretching and not stretching)
  • mrron2u
    mrron2u Posts: 919 Member
    Latest NSV - I live in Kansas City and drive a Jeep Wrangler that has no air conditioning. That being said I usually take the hard top off in April and leave it off as long as I can stand it (into November some years). It gets pretty hot and humid here in the midwest. Well, we are getting a nice cold spell so I knew it was time to dig out the jacket. I went to put on last years 3X jacket and it was HUGE on me. I found a XXL jacket my Father-in-law gave me over the summer and tried it on. It was loose and comfortable. So today I am celebrating wearing a smaller jacket! I might burn that old 3X! (probably be better off donating it).
  • GlucernaBrand
    This is excellent news! Someone will enjoy a new-to-them jacket, and you're enjoying wearing a smaller jacket. Keep going the way you have been, and you'll need an even smaller jacket before the winter is over :) ~Lynn /Glucerna
  • mrron2u
    mrron2u Posts: 919 Member
    NSV of the day for me - so I'm sure you've all experienced this, but where I work from time to time the vendors bring in free shirts. They are NEVER big enough for me (until now). In fact a few years ago as a gag I have a picture of me trying to wear a free shirt that was a 2X and ridiculously tight on me - it was a laugh! Well this morning I saw that same shirt in my closet and thought I'd try it on. It fits and is actually a tad bit baggy! Now I have to go through all my drawers looking for all those vendor freebies to see if there are more that fit me now! And I need some more shirts to replace all the 3X and 4X shirts I recently gave away!