Recipes, please?

Today is day 2 of going keto. I'd love some great, tasty keto recipes that would make good bag lunches as well as some snack ideas.



  • SOOZIE429
    SOOZIE429 Posts: 638 Member
  • SOOZIE429
    SOOZIE429 Posts: 638 Member
    Personally, I make salads for lunch with veggies, olives, feta, chicken and always with full-fat dressing. Or take leftovers from dinner the night before. Snacks are hard boiled eggs with mayo, cheese sticks, nuts, olives. It's probably better to stick with simple for the first few weeks until you get adjusted to this way of eating.
  • KTStepsUp
    KTStepsUp Posts: 15 Member
    I found an amazing blog for keto--she has created many great recipes:

    Enjoy!! :smile:
  • shai74
    shai74 Posts: 512 Member
    make a pizza ...

    2 eggs, half a tub of cream cheese, big handful of mozzarella (blend then add mozzarella)
    Spread on an oven tray, bake for about 15 to 20 minute (until just brown and set)

    remove and cool a bit, then sauce, cheese, and meats, mushroom (watch out for onion etc, a few carbs in them).

    back in the oven for another 15 to 20 minutes.

    If you make it in a rectangle tray, you can cut it in squares and take for lunch all week (what I do).
  • nill4me
    nill4me Posts: 682 Member
    I too think that pinterest is a great place to search, and it depends upon what you can tolerate in the form of dairy, nuts, etc...

    grass fed ground beef patty cooked in coconut oil or ghee topped with smoked gouda pimento cheese. shut the front door. It travels well....just squish it into a lidded glass container :p

    wrap bacon around chicken breasts and bake. wrap bacon around asparagus and bake. wrap bacon around anything and bake.

    sauté greens in coconut oil, butter or ghee, and add some toasted slivered almonds. Have some salmon. Serve salmon on the sautéed greens. Better yet, wrap bacon around it first. I like to buy uncured bacon...those that don't have a lot of nitrates. It makes me feel better about having a zip top baggie of it in my fridge at all times.

    cod or other whitefish dipped in egg, and then in coconut...sautéed in...coconut oil, olive oil or ghee.

    5 oz ribeye steak grilled, and topped with a gorgonzola butter.

    coconut cream can be used as a base for a really nice cheese sauce instead of milk.

    macadamia nuts, eggs, quail eggs are awesome. boil up a boatload and portion them out by sixes in baggies for some bite-sized eggy goodness, home made beef jerky, or chicken jerky, home made kale chips! make your own mayo with olive or avocado oil, and roll those eggs around in it. eat bacon. take broccoli and cauliflower florets to work....pair them up with something delicious like hummus, blue cheese dressing, sour cream, and so on.

    I travel every week for work, and I've virtually stopped lunching for the most part, as while tracking my foods I noticed I was a desk grazer. I'd fill my desk with all kinds of properly portioned and portable foods, and then proceed to graze on them. all. day. long. non-stop. Then I would wonder why I felt awful by the time I got out of work. Now I only put clothes in my suitcase. and gadgets. and my kettle bell. TSA loves that one.

    I am finding that some keto-coffee in the morning can take me a long way, supplemented by some macadamia nuts, and some raw cauliflower and broccoli, etc., and my brain doesn't get all wonky in the afternoon, like it did when I was eating all the time, or eating large lunches.
  • tchave01
    tchave01 Posts: 12 Member
    Cool blog! Thanks for the link!
  • MelRC117
    MelRC117 Posts: 911 Member
    I either eat leftovers from the night before or do a salad with full fat dressing, bacon, egg, cheese...whatever you care to throw on there.

    If I'm in a pinch, didn't bring anything, and can't go out for lunch, I have protein powder and a small tub of cocnut oil at work. I make the protein shake in a small blender and then slowly pour in melted coconut oil to up the fat content.