Question about Coconut Oil (Fat Intake)

Good morning. I recently began eating paleo and after much online research I realized I have not been getting enough healthy fat and was overloading on protien, so I readjusted my macros and bought some coconut oil. Yesterday I had a fat-coffee, 1 tbls of coconut oil to my coffee, didn't mind the taste, it gave me a lot of energy and added 120 fat calories, so all good right? Here's where my question comes in, I had a tough time sleeping last night, felt gassy, like I did before I started paleo and this morning had diarrhea - nothing horrific, but my body has adapted so well to the changes I have made. Has anyone else had a bit of adjustment to the fat and if so how long did it take to adjust? For the record, I put 2 tbls of coconut in my coffee this morning because I like to live dangerously I guess. Thank for any advice, 3 weeks paleo, glad I found this forum.


  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member
    Maybe it will take a few days to get used to the coconut oil? I don't have any trouble digesting most fats, just fish oils a little. Hopefully it doesn't last long, and if it does then make some adjustments.
  • katharineshalia
    katharineshalia Posts: 243 Member
    Thank you, I mostly worried about lack of sleep, but am prepared to just roll with it.
  • homesweeths
    homesweeths Posts: 792 Member
    When I first started coconut oil someone recommended starting small, like just a teaspoon a day and working up. I was warned it could give me gas, bloating, diarrhea if I took too much, too soon.

    Don't remember exactly why but it might have involved detoxing?

    Nowadays I can eat several TBS in a day (one in my BP coffee, a fat bomb if I'm short on calories at the end of the day, plus cooking or roasting in coconut oil) with no problems.