Thrilled with my Low Carb/High Protein Results

toniwalks Posts: 8 Member
I guess I'm just so excited that I felt I have to share. Prior to my gastric bypass 11 years ago, I had tried every diet under the sun. Everything except a low carb/high protein; I typically focused on low fat. Now 11 years out and after putting back on 40plus pounds, I'm 3 weeks into the LC/HP frame of mind. I have to say that I've never had the weight come off so fast before (other than surgery). I have been totally devoted with my food, water and increased steps (Jawbone-UP) and have lost 10lbs in 3 weeks. I'm eating very close to my 1200 calories, sometimes a bit less but I am not focusing on fats at all. I am so pleased with the results, I feel like I can do this...It takes planning your meals in advance, which is the hardest part for me but with MFP even that is very do-able. So for all of you that are back at that place after surgery, where you have to re-focus, this really can work. KEEP THE FAITH.


  • sadiegirl32
    sadiegirl32 Posts: 181 Member
    Good pep talk! Thanks for the advice!!
  • MindyMac51
    MindyMac51 Posts: 38 Member
    Great to hear it's working so well for you. I also regained -- in my case 38 lbs. 3.5 years after RN. I'm also doing low carb-high protein and walking an hour every day, and it's coming off. Down 16 lbs. since June 26. Let's keep it up!
  • relentless2121
    relentless2121 Posts: 431 Member
    Congratulations on your success. I am very happy for you. :flowerforyou:
    I am still pre-op, just approved for surgery for October or November.
    Recently at my 6 month check in my Dietician was quite insistent that I increase my carbs and fibre.
    I tried to explain to her that for the two month before my appointment that I was also on a Low Carb/High Protein diet & I was having results. It's a good thing my plan doesn't insist we lose weight before surgery, of course I can only speak for myself but they said to focus on weight maintenance and if I lost it was a bonus. My starting weight was 317 in February & I'm now 292, down 25 lbs.
    I feel guilty increasing my carbs since last week & if I don't see any drop this week, or if I gain, I'm gonna cut back again on carbs.
    Like you, I felt like I had a lightbulb moment and that I had finally figured out why the previous plans hadn't worked for me these past few years. Also that I am 49 & it's harder now than ever to lose weight.
    I don't think I will go to extreme, but I will be happy to get back to losing hopefully at least 10 more lbs. before my surgery.
    I have been glancing at your diary and see great ideas to incorporate.
    Best of luck to you. You go girl! You got this!!! :flowerforyou: