Blood Sugar Scares Advice please?!

I have now had two weird occurrences. And I don't know what to do at this point. Background info: I am 29 and in the past I was a carb lover. Cereal, bread, pasta, you name it. I have mild to moderate PCOS but I am not sure about insulin resistance. I'm not overweight, but would like to lose a couple of pounds-maybe around 5-10. 30 days or so ago I decided to do the Paleo diet. For the most part I have been eating between 50-80 carbs.

A week or so ago, I decided to cheat a bit because I was so proud of myself for cutting out grains and sugars. I had one pop tart, and let me tell you I regretted it majorly. My head felt funny - lightheaded and dizzy, and i was really nauseous. I swear i thought I was dying. After 30 minutes or so, it passed and I continued on with my journey figuring it spiked my insulin and that was not to be done again.

Over the last few days I have been slowly adding in more carbs because I want to be low carb but not in ketosis. 60 carbs and I am still there according to the urine strips I bought . Yesterday I had 104 carbs, and woke up this morning testing negative. I ate my eggs, spinach, and coffee for breakfast. A few hours later I felt really odd. I was anxious, heart beating fast, weak, and dizzy. I also tested positive with the keto strips. Apparently i get to that point fast. I assumed I needed carbs (different from the first situation) so I fixed a smoothie which was half an avocado, strawberries, and a third of a banana. After 20 minutes or so it was getting worse and I was in panic mode looking for anything carby/sweet (which I don't have much of so I was REALLY panicking). I ate some walnuts, celery, and a boiled egg which just didn't cut it. I gave in and fixed some quinoa and now I finally feel somewhat decent but feel really tired and i have a headache.

I don't know what is happening to me. One day it seems like type 2 problems, another day seem like type 1 problems. Yesterday with the 104 carbs I felt fine I didn't have any problems. I don't know what to do. Lower carbs or up carbs? Before the change in my diet I did not have blood sugar problems like this at all I could basically eat whatever. I'm scared to eat carbs because maybe that is the problem, or maybe I need them and that is the problem. Anyway, I would appreciate any advice!


  • sljohnson1207
    sljohnson1207 Posts: 818 Member
    You need to find out if you have insulin resistance.

    My guess is that you are having blood sugar spikes and dips. Some folks swing wildly hyperglycemia and hypoglycemia, and that can cause symptoms.

    Another thing that can cause the symptoms you describe is low sodium, potassium and magnesium. Eating a low carbohydrate diet, esp. if also high in fats, is it has a diuretic effect and therefore, you can rapidly lose these electrolytes in your urine. It may not be carbs you need, but sodium, potassium, and magnesium. Salt your food or drink broth (with salt) and get a pot/mag supplement. Take them. If symptoms don't improve, it is possibly the swing in carbs.

    Also, ketostix are notoriously inaccurate. Maybe you should have a blood sugar and blood ketone monitor prescribed to you and use it in order to see any correlation between what you eat, your blood sugar level, and how you feel.
  • Samantha1278
    Samantha1278 Posts: 5 Member
    I do have a blood sugar meter, I will be purchasing some strips asap. I use to play around with it and even consuming close to 100 carbs I'd only hit about 130. I'm wondering if the low carbing has either caused me to be insulin resistant or bringing it out more. Anyway, thanks for your input. I will also check into the supplements. And especially salt because i haven't salted my food much.
  • Alisha28
    Alisha28 Posts: 406 Member
    I do think some people need more carbs than others I get ketosis symptoms even around 100 grams of carbs but I am super active Irun 20 miles a week teach aerobics 4 nights and have 5 children so maybe u need more carbs but I check with a Dr because anything scary is worth checkin on Good luck keep us updated hope all is OK :) ALISHA
  • deansdad101
    deansdad101 Posts: 644 Member
    I do think some people need more carbs than others I get ketosis symptoms even around 100 grams of carbs but I am super active Irun 20 miles a week teach aerobics 4 nights and have 5 children so maybe u need more carbs but I check with a Dr because anything scary is worth checkin on Good luck keep us updated hope all is OK :) ALISHA

    Totally agree that "...some people need more carbs than others..." but maybe not (agree) for the same reasons.

    SLJ is (I "think") on the right track (sodium, potassium, etc) in this particular case, BUT, it IS entirely possible that the specific poster is one of those for whom LC or VLC simply isn't an appropriate solution.

    I'm interested though in exactly what you mean by "ketosis symptoms even around 100 grams of carbs...."

    I would also take issue with the (commonly dispensed wisdom) to "...check with a Dr because...."

    Just because one is a "Dr., dietitian, or other "expert"" - DOESN'T mean s/he knows anything beyond what they've been spoon-fed over the last 40 years regarding LCHF dietary methodology.

    Yes, "check with a Dr...", BUT, first determine that the particular doc you (anyone) is "checking with" actually knows what they are talking about.
  • Samantha1278
    Samantha1278 Posts: 5 Member
    Hey guys just wanted to update you guys on my issues I was having yesterday.
    I bought some pedialyte today and have been drinking it off and on today because I have errr...bathroom issues. I got up this morning noticeably thinner and had major diarrhea. I have been feeling SO much better since drinking it and it does have sugar in it along with the potassium and other stuff.

    I tested my blood sugar after drinking about a 1/2 Liter of it 2 hours later and my reading was 129. Three hours and its now 103.
    I also got me a magnesium supplement but i think I will wait till I am sure the diarrhea issue is completely gone. Thank you guys so much, especially sljohnson, because I would have never guessed I needed those minerals!
  • Alisha28
    Alisha28 Posts: 406 Member
    Glad u are feeling better :) and to the one who asked about Symptoms I meant headaches and dry mouth but it alleviates after a few days in Ketosis I just know my body well and can tell when I am in it or not!!!
  • shai74
    shai74 Posts: 512 Member
    Am I the only one who thinks a Doctor is a better idea?