specalist appointment tomoz morn

eviebee03 Posts: 101 Member
Hey guys! As most of u know I have a buggered shoulder. And finally finally seeing specalist re results of some testing (mri xrays etc) done about 5 months ago. Its been about 6 or 7.. more like 7 months since I last saw him. Actually feeling really nervous. I dont want bad news or no news. So trying not to think about that and just think he can give me some advice about how much exercise I can or cant do. Thats what I need to focus on. Anyway heaps of u have been caring and lovely and wanted to know about progress of my shoulder so I thought id write a topic and add to it tomorrow. If anyone has spiritual beliefs could u please all pray or send thoughts or whatever works for u about getting some good news like they know what is wrong and can fix it? I am really really over this. Been 2.5 years of not being able to use. Cant eat with my right hand, hurts to tie shoe laces or get dressed or go for a walk. Im just over it. So anything if anyone felt like it sent my way would be lovely. Im just so stressed and nervous. Thank u all in advance.


  • armywife924
    Good Luck Evie, I am going to be keeping you in my thoughts today. As I still do not have the time difference down completely. I should get one of those world clocks. lol. I really hope that you are able to get the information that you need. I know what it is like to have to wait, I had to wait for my gallbladder, and I was so miserable. Please keep us updated, and I expect good news. Not just for you to feel better, but for it to be easier for you to use so you feel better when working out. Do not be nervous (though I would be too). :) V.
  • eviebee03
    eviebee03 Posts: 101 Member
    Hey v! Thanks! I have my appointment in half an hour from now. Oh, I so get the werid time difference thing took me so so long to work that out and the hardest part is I have frds all over the states and all of them have a diff time zone! So its 9.30 am now. On bus to hoslital, maybe 2mins away and trying to breathe thru my anxiety. ... argh. Im so so sorry about ur gal bladder. I hope they have a cancelation and u get in way soon!
  • armywife924
    OH!! Thank you, but I had it out already. I had to wait bc I had no insurance, and then had to wait till I had my son, and thenwait another 4 weeks. But I am much better, I just know what it is like to wait and just want answers. To just have the pain go away! Hope you get your answers soon!!
  • eviebee03
    eviebee03 Posts: 101 Member
    So ive updated marty and vicki.. if anyone else wants to know just pm me. Its a long story so didnt wanna clog up the feed. :)
  • kspenglermoore
    kspenglermoore Posts: 58 Member
    Hope things went well and the doc's news were better than expected!!!!......my hubby (he is 44 and has been a soldier for 26 years: has been hard on his shoulders) through shoulder surgery to remove osteoarthritis. He was very limited in the use of his right arm before the surgery. The doc said if my husband was older he would recommend shoulder replacement surgery. The doc promised pain relief and increased range of motion with the surgery (not a pain-free shoulder). During the surgery they cleaned out the arthritis debris and move his biceps..... He can now do 40 something push-ups in 2 minutes again (the army requires him as a soldier to do at least 30 in 2 min in his age group for his physical fitness test) .....I am telling you this, since I know how it feels to be out there thinking I will never get better......Never give up hope!!!!
    oh yeah, and if you are not happy with your docs verdict, consider getting a second opinion (we did that before my hubby has his neck fusion done)..... It is your body and you should make sure that you make the right decision for you!!!!!
  • eviebee03
    eviebee03 Posts: 101 Member
    So news was ****e. Basically no answers. Doing more tests in 6 months if not better and bloods as well waiting for results...
    Thanks to everyone for reading and being so supportive! Im kinda down about the whole no answer thing...
  • 3athlt
    3athlt Posts: 131 Member
    Evie, I am SO disappointed about the lack of news. I wish you had another doctor that was in your healthcare plan that you could see for this because you're obviously getting nowhere with your current doctor. Hang in there, girl - I know it's tough. I admire your courage, consistency, and dedication to your lifestyle change. You're doing SO well, keep it up! <sending good vibes your way>
  • eviebee03
    eviebee03 Posts: 101 Member
    Im seeing another person tomorrow from the pain team. I hope they have some ideas... if not I have no idea what else to do. I dont really have any other options for another opinion... argh...
  • eviebee03
    eviebee03 Posts: 101 Member
    And M, thanks heaps and heaps for the good vibes!
  • eviebee03
    eviebee03 Posts: 101 Member
    Argh I hate the doc I saw!!! So evil and mean! Told me its all on my head, that there is no problem, that I should take these meds, didnt check it see if they react with any of my others... they do! Thank goodness for my chemist. So over this. Seriously close to giving up and just living with it