Tips to battle heat on race day?

cavewoman15 Posts: 278 Member
The day I've been training for all year is almost here.. Sunday is my first oly! I've been tapering and watching my nutrition, stretching, making sure all my equipment is in tip top shape, reading race reports, and mentally preparing. I have a lot of nervous energy this week, and normally when i'm this excited i work out! But, i'm reluctantly obeying the taper. I've also been watching the weather forecast, and it looks like it will be a hot one. This summer has been incredibly mild which has toughened me up some (i've swum in the lake in colder temperatures than i would like) but also has spoiled me - i haven't had to run in particularly hot temperatures.

I am adding a second water bottle cage to my bike for extra hydration and I'll be sure to stop at the aid stations on the run (at least the first half of it). For nutrition, I drink a 500-cal smoothie when i wake up and usually have one packet of honey stingers on the bike. I have asthma, which is mostly under control but tends to be aggravated with heat and humidity. I always have my inhaler with me during a race, and hit it a couple times for preventative purposes.

Question -- is there anything else folks do to prep for hot races?


  • scott091501
    scott091501 Posts: 1,260 Member
    Prep? Not really. Upping your sodium levels might help a little.

    You can adjust your pace on the bike to a bit more conservative and drink a bit more. Mostly on the run drink the sports drink and dump the water on your head at the aid stations. And if they offer ice put it down your shorts. Trust me on that one. LOL.
  • kchang77
    kchang77 Posts: 76 Member
    Hydration, hydration, hydration. Make sure you are hydrating every day and drinking plenty of water on a daily basis leading up to the race. Don't wait until the day before and try to cram your hydration all in.
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    Prep? Not really. Upping your sodium levels might help a little.

    You can adjust your pace on the bike to a bit more conservative and drink a bit more. Mostly on the run drink the sports drink and dump the water on your head at the aid stations. And if they offer ice put it down your shorts. Trust me on that one. LOL.

    I agree with all of this.

    I had great results this year shifting my gels/drinks to ones with higher sodium content. While it's a little late for you to go trying different stuff, maybe a salt cap towards the end of the bike is worth considering.

    Also, the biggest thing you can do during the race is to stay AHEAD of things - don't wait until your hungry or thirsty or cramping, because at that point it'll be too late. I'd much rather have to stop during the run to pee than have to walk/hobble the run because my legs are cramped (and I've done both, so I'm speaking from experience).

    Also, just as a pet peeve.... I hate the word hydration. It's not about simply drinking more. It's about keeping mineral levels in your body/muscles balanced. Drinking too much water can have a negative effect.

  • scott091501
    scott091501 Posts: 1,260 Member
    Honestly you shouldn't drink water race day. Water is great for every day hydration, but it's not for a race. EVERYTHING you put in your body on race day should have a purpose whether that be fuel (carbs/cals), hydration, etc. Water provides none of these benefits. The osmolality of sports drink is better than water so you absorb it more efficiently.
  • cavewoman15
    cavewoman15 Posts: 278 Member
    Thanks for all these tips.. very helpful! I'm definitely willing to try some stuff, and I think your advice all sounds right, but I literally never drink sports drinks.. ever. Is it a good time to start now?
  • scott091501
    scott091501 Posts: 1,260 Member
    Thanks for all these tips.. very helpful! I'm definitely willing to try some stuff, and I think your advice all sounds right, but I literally never drink sports drinks.. ever. Is it a good time to start now?

    No. Start after the race.
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    Thanks for all these tips.. very helpful! I'm definitely willing to try some stuff, and I think your advice all sounds right, but I literally never drink sports drinks.. ever. Is it a good time to start now?

    At this point I wouldn't change anything.
  • cavewoman15
    cavewoman15 Posts: 278 Member
    Alright, so I will be sure to be hydrated (er, keep the mineral levels in my body/muscles balanced!) on the days leading up to race day and then just hope for the best on race day. Good advice to stay ahead of things and eat/drink BEFORE i feel hungry/thirsty. I am not so good about this so I will keep that in mind for sure.

  • cavewoman15
    cavewoman15 Posts: 278 Member
    thanks again for your tips! the race yesterday was super hot and humid, so i'm glad i asked for advice. i ended up adding a second bottle cage to my bike and filled one with water and one with 1/2 water and 1/2 gaterade. i was hesitant to do the gaterade, but i have drank it before without problems when i used to play fastpitch softball all summer in my teenage years and i (knock on wood) rarely have GI issues, so i gave it a go and it worked! i drank all of both bottles. i needed it too!! the run was super hot and humid. i finished the race and it was amazing. i'm hooked and can't wait until next season. thanks again to all who offered advice on my first long race!
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member