
alliemay1024 Posts: 83 Member
I am not hungry, I'm not sad or any other wacky emotion, and yet I want to eat everything in the house!


  • Patttience
    Patttience Posts: 975 Member
    There must be a reason.

    It sounds like you might be bored. Are you bored with your food? or are just you just bored? Go for a walk. find more activities? Become a volunteer if you are not working. Join a creative class. Find a new hobby. Clean the house.

    What is the quality of your diet like. Do you get adequate nutrition. do you eat 5 vegies a day, 2 fruit, enough protein? Enough good fat? Is your food enjoyable and nutritious?
  • alliemay1024
    alliemay1024 Posts: 83 Member
    There must be a reason.

    It sounds like you might be bored. Are you bored with your food? or are just you just bored? Go for a walk. find more activities? Become a volunteer if you are not working. Join a creative class. Find a new hobby. Clean the house.

    What is the quality of your diet like. Do you get adequate nutrition. do you eat 5 vegies a day, 2 fruit, enough protein? Enough good fat? Is your food enjoyable and nutritious?

    I am a girl of convenience.. If I have to work hard at it, it won't stick. I eat 5 to 6 small meals daily being diabetic, and I include fruit, veggies, protein (more than carbs due to diabetic), grains and such.. Maybe it was boredom, however, I did treat myself to a McDonalds vanilla cone (within my calorie allowance). That solved that.
  • Patttience
    Patttience Posts: 975 Member
    I find that eating foods like macdonalds vanilla cones just make me want more. I'm reading about book that is currently talking about that too. The food industry knows that sugar + fat makes you want more. fat + salt has the same effect. And they milk it for all its worth.

    My advice, stay away from sugar. It is no use. fat is fine. but you have to watch the numbers of course.

    I tried low carb this year. It was fun. I think its the ideal diet for diabetics. But don't know if you really have to go super low carb. But you do if you want to fuel your body with fat.

    What is your carb intake like? Is it about 150 net carbs or less. If not, i'd try to get it down to that for starters and see how you go. And most of the carbs you eat need to be healthy high fibre carbs.

    On low carb you don't have to eat 6 meals a day. You can eat three or less if you want because your body is not in its dependency relationship with insulin in the same way. I find that people who eat many small meals tend to eat poor quality foods. i.e. more carbs and more snacks and less meals. How are you going with that?

    There's a diabetic woman called ruhl who has a great site and books for diabetic low carbers. her site is and her book is blood sugar i think.

    I watched a great tv show on the importance of fibre. It is hugely important the concepts in this show so please watch it. they are two shows only half an hour each.

    Catalyst - Gut Reaction on youtube.

    When i went low carb i started at 100 carbs a day which was yummy and i liked it a lot. then i wanted to experience ketosis so i went down to 40 carbs a day. It was still fun but after two weeks i'd had enough and went back to normal eating quite suddenly which was ill advised because you find you are not quite ready to let go all the yummy fats that you have been allowed to eat but add in a lot more carbs again. So that' led me to my latest diet approach which is a fasting diet and definitely NOT recommended for diabetics.

    So if you try low carb, read up on it first quite thoroughly. they say to get a whole load of tests done before you start so that you will be able to clearly see the improvements as you go along and know that they are due to the diet. I have spoken with a lot of low carbers on forums. Some of them have been doing it for years and are pretty happy.

    If you don't want do that just cut down on all the grain foods. But don't cut down on fibre. Keep fibre high it helps with diabetes. It would be hard to keep fibre high on low carb i think. I'm trying to get mine up to 50 a day and its tough. But around 30 would be good to start with. you'll see why if you watch the tv show above i recommend.

    I hope things get better for you.
  • andielyn
    andielyn Posts: 233 Member
    Maybe you are thirsty, too? Sometimes that can make us want to eat even when we know we aren't hungry. Making diet changes are big changes for our bodies to get used to. And if you are diabetic that adds another factor there. Try to push through it or do something to take your mind off of food. Hang in there, you are doing great!