Need Paleo Tips for Vacation

Tuesday morning I will be going to Europe for 17 days.. I mean other then walking alot, clearly I wont be at the gym.. I am determined not to BLOW up or have stomach issues.. so I wont be eating anything that does not work.. I am going with my parents, so alcohol wont be an issue since they dont drink and would not allow me to drink anyway.. lol. :) ! they still think i am 12.. i am 45!! ha ha ha..

ANY TIPS for not gaining weight are welcome :flowerforyou:


  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member
    I don't really have tips. Just eat real food.

    What I do have a tip on is your self talk, with capitals. I don't think it's healthy to talk about yourself as BLOWing up. In fact, that's a bit offensive to any of us who have had challenges with excess fat storage. As a fellow lady in her 40s I can assure you that positive talk and being kind to oneself is a big part of maturing, finding happiness and contentment, and achieving ideal health.
  • maria_antoinette
    maria_antoinette Posts: 239 Member
    sorry about the blowing up remark.. i did not mean to make anyone feel bad.. thats the last thing i ever want to do.. i will be much more mindful next time i speak. :flowerforyou:
  • smallpalehuman
    smallpalehuman Posts: 38 Member
    Where are you going in Europe? You won't be going to the gym but you will be doing plenty of walking/sightseeing!

    I used to be obsessed with the number on the scale, not only did it make me miserable as hell, it ruled my mood/social life. I came across this post online which really resonated and inspired me to FINALLY give up the scale.

    (Quoted from Kelli at

    "You are not your scale weight. Your body weight is no reflection of who you are, your strength, your intelligence, your kindness, your beauty, or your worth. Focus on eating for good health, and exercising for strength and energy; do NOT let a number on a scale define who you are or how much joy you have in your life.

    Weight is not necessarily a measure of health. A person can be at a healthy bodyweight and have very poor health due to bad nutrition choices and a lack of physical activity. Also, muscle takes up less room and weighs more than fat - think of what a shame it would be to work so hard to gain healthy, functional, and attractive muscle tissue, and then beat yourself up because according to the scale you've "failed" because you've gained a pound.

    I see too many people and fitness "professionals" using the number on the scale as a direct measure of health and/or fitness. It's true that weighing oneself can be a successful way for some people to track progress in terms of reaching a healthy bodyweight, and there's nothing wrong with that, though I do think it can be a slippery slope. If you're doing things right - if you are eating clean and healthily the majority of the time and if you're committed to regularly pushing yourself through a variety of workouts using different training styles (for cardiovascular health, strength, and flexibility), there is no need to obsess over your scale weight.

    Healthy comes in all different shapes, sizes, and body weights. To try and compare ourselves with others, or to put ourselves through physical and emotional abuse in pursuit of a number is to rip ourselves off of our own healthiest selves, which is the one and only thing that we should be aiming for.

    One of my biggest goals is to be a voice of reason in an industry that seems obsessed with fad diets, plastic surgery, Photoshop, 3% body fat, and images that are generally misleading and aesthetically appealing but no measure of a healthy body. With that said, I admit that I am not immune to the pressures of looking a certain way or weighing a certain amount, no more than anyone else is. But as loud and heavy as those pressures can be, I'm not going to cheat myself by folding to any of them.

    After a lifetime of stalking the scale, I recently stopped weighing myself and have been happy with the changes that it's made in my mindset. I'm healthy, and I don't need to dissect that into ounces and pounds, each and every morning before I start my day.

    For example, there were some mornings where I'd catch my reflection in the mirror and flippantly think, "hey, I look decent today! I'm finally growing visible muscles!". If my next move was to step on the scale and I happened to be up a couple of ounces or pounds (which is completely normal; bodyweight fluctuates by day and even by the hour depending on hydration levels, sodium intake, hormone levels, etc), I would have to work very hard to not let it ruin my previously positive outlook. In total honesty, it would be hard to not let that feeling haunt me throughout the rest of the day. That's just my own personal experience but I don't think I'm alone. It actually makes my hands shake a bit to hammer these words out onto the page, in anticipation of pushing them live on the world wide web, but I'm hoping that my own experience of letting go of the scale number to instead focus on things that lead to a strong and healthy body and mind, can influence at least one other person to consider doing the same.

    Even if you do need to lose weight - even if you have 300 pounds to lose - detangle that number on the scale with your self worth. Be kind to yourself, eat nourishing foods and be so grateful for what your body can do that you exercise it every day - knowing that how you treat your body has a direct correlation with how many years you get to spend in this life. If you make genuine good health your focus, weight loss will naturally follow, even if you're not stalking the scale."

    Now, please. Go and enjoy your damn holiday :wink:
  • maria_antoinette
    maria_antoinette Posts: 239 Member
    Thank you SmallPaleHuman :) you are so sweet to write to me..

    We are going to London, Paris, Brussels, Luxemburg & Amsterdam.. My family is not into processed foods.. They are all foodies, so we will only be eating high quality food.. ( which is very helpful ) because although I love eating good wholesome food.. JUNK looks like fun if everyone else is eating it.... :) !!! i can get down with a snickers you know what i mean..

    I have to take clothes for 17 days which in the past proves tricky because if i eat something that does not sit well with me, i can get about a 5-7 lb.water bloat that will make my clothes tight.. and have a horrible stomach ache. **this has been happening for about 7 years now...or i can get constipated and be physcially uncomfortable.. I thought i had IBS or something.. but seriosly, it was just the FOOD i was eating..

    If you look at me.. I am like a size 4.. and i feel very beautiful and fit..... my issue right now is mostly about doing the best i can to have an easy trip, not have stomach issues, and my clothes has to fit confortable and not pinch my waist.

    I will be staying away from the usual suspects that i have been able to pinpoint thanks to Paleo..., SUGAR, PASTA and ALCOHOL which literally if i have a little bit, all of the sudden my clothes wont fit at the waist...

    Just incase, i am taking alot of flowey dresses that will fit even if i get bloated or constipated... nothing to tight around my waist.. no jeans.. forget it! (i have a very dumb sensitive bladder).. so if i get bloated i have a very uncomfortable response to clothing.. and i have refused in to take water pills in the past and i wont start now you know... I have also gone to SOMA intamites and bought all new underwear, forget the THONGS for now... i need some more support.

    I am convinced i can manage my health with the food i injest. and am determined to never have another uncomfortable day in my life if i can help it.......

    I went on vacation in St. Lucia a month ago, drank so much alcohol and literally my bikinis were cutting into my side from being bloated.. very uncomfortable.. so like next time i will get more comfortable bikinis because that specific trip was impossible to stay away from alcohol...

    i just have to be smart and PACK according to how i think it will go. I have not been on paleo long enough to know all the foods that dont sit well. i am trying one at a time for 2 weeks.

    so i will have to just assume that most things dont work .... and WING IT!
  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member
    I apologize for taking your comment in a way that maybe it wasn't intended. However, you have had many comments that have been very scale weight focused so it was hard not to think that was the case again here. Have a great holiday and eat the best foods that you can while having lots of FUN.

    Stopping thinking so much and just go DO and PLAY.
  • maria_antoinette
    maria_antoinette Posts: 239 Member
    I apologize for taking your comment in a way that maybe it wasn't intended. However, you have had many comments that have been very scale weight focused so it was hard not to think that was the case again here. Have a great holiday and eat the best foods that you can while having lots of FUN.

    Stopping thinking so much and just go DO and PLAY.

    oh no.. dont worry at all. i never take things the wrong way. everyone here i feel has only good intentions..
    i know i dont communicate well. i am working on that. your comments have been 100% helpful to me in many ways.
  • maria_antoinette
    maria_antoinette Posts: 239 Member
    I started paleo in an effort to lose 5 lbs. or maintain my weight... but paleo did so much more then that..

    It taught me how certain foods are what is causing all my stomach problems,
    it taught me that I DONT HAVE A PROBLEM with my weight.. i had a problem with the food i was eating....
    it taught me how to enjoy whole foods... i dont need to count every calorie, i dont need to eat oreos to feel better...
    it taught me how to deal with cravings by adding fat or sugar cravings by eating raspberries..

    its funny how you go into something for a reason and you come out with a life altering experience.... its been only 2 months and i have never been happier..... I give credit to my cousins for telling me about it. but mostly to this forum for giving me so much real information..
  • ortega1990
    ortega1990 Posts: 236 Member
    Yes, eat real food but live a little too - you're going to Europe for crying out loud! Enjoy some of the fine foods there, just don't go crazy but you have to enjoy something you don't have access to everyday! Enjoy your vacation.
  • Dragonwolf
    Dragonwolf Posts: 5,600 Member
    My tip -- the Dutch love their fried food, and I think the Belgians aren't far off in that aspect. So be careful to not go overboard on that stuff.

    Other than that, I know Amsterdam is very pedestrian-oriented. It's better to walk or bike everywhere than to try to drive, so you'll be getting a lot of exercise at least there if nowhere else (though to my knowledge, the other cities you mentioned are pretty much the same way).

    For food in general, get away from the touristy areas and find the places the locals go. The Netherlands, at least, is well-known for the "old" lifestyle of having open markets instead of grocery stores. Get food there, instead.

    Eat real food overall, sample the stuff that makes those cities unique regarding food. Just be mindful of your tolerance levels.
  • maria_antoinette
    maria_antoinette Posts: 239 Member
    My tip -- the Dutch love their fried food, and I think the Belgians aren't far off in that aspect. So be careful to not go overboard on that stuff.

    Other than that, I know Amsterdam is very pedestrian-oriented. It's better to walk or bike everywhere than to try to drive, so you'll be getting a lot of exercise at least there if nowhere else (though to my knowledge, the other cities you mentioned are pretty much the same way).

    For food in general, get away from the touristy areas and find the places the locals go. The Netherlands, at least, is well-known for the "old" lifestyle of having open markets instead of grocery stores. Get food there, instead.

    Eat real food overall, sample the stuff that makes those cities unique regarding food. Just be mindful of your tolerance levels.

    yes very good advice.. i dont want to lose out on culture and food.. so i will sample unique things (but a small amount) i dont want to end up doubled over in pain while watching the moulin rouge.. you know... walking is part of the fun, so we do that alot.. The main thing for me is that for the first time i have answers to why my stomach hurts and why i get bloated.... ( its the food,, its always been the food,, i shoud have realized that a long time ago.. i feel like i am armed with knowledge and i cant go wrong anymore....

    thank you again for all your posts... its because of this forum that i am finally on a path that i want to continue forerver.. ( its also contagious.. all my friends are loving what i am saying and are on board with this focus of health and well being above all else )
  • LeenaGee
    LeenaGee Posts: 749 Member
    I apologize for taking your comment in a way that maybe it wasn't intended. However, you have had many comments that have been very scale weight focused so it was hard not to think that was the case again here. Have a great holiday and eat the best foods that you can while having lots of FUN.

    Stopping thinking so much and just go DO and PLAY.

    oh no.. dont worry at all. i never take things the wrong way. everyone here i feel has only good intentions..
    i know i dont communicate well. i am working on that. your comments have been 100% helpful to me in many ways.

    Love it, love it, love it. :smile: You girls had a slight misunderstanding and sorted it out without insults and taunts. Now I know I am in the right group. :bigsmile:

    And my tip for your vacation - Relax and enjoy!! You are in the right mindset regarding food and with all the great advice given I am sure you will have a great time. :drinker: