plantar faciitis

I can't catch a break in summer, last summer it was a muscle tear this summer it is plantar faciitis! This one I can push through, the other I had to stay off of for a couple weeks. I have to keep telling myself to keep going though because it hurts!


  • Amazon_Who
    Amazon_Who Posts: 1,092 Member
    I feel for you, I have had it before. There is nothing like walking and feeling like you are stepping on a sharp rock with each step. Time, ice, an anti-inflammatory and stretching.
  • iggyboo93
    iggyboo93 Posts: 524 Member
    Not sure if this will help you but I've had some luck with taking a tennis ball and rolling it around with my bare foot. It made getting up the next morning and walking a little better.
  • SavingCarol
    SavingCarol Posts: 13 Member
    I also suffer from PF. It's no fun, that's for sure. I see your post, Pegasusonfire, was last year. How are you now? Has it healed? When I was showing my dogs about 2 years ago, I tore the tendons in the bottom of both feet from being too heavy and running on cement floors. It took almost a year of special care to heal from that. I have a boot for each foot to wear to bed at night to gently keep the tendons stretched so they won't tear again, and I was advised by my doctor to never go barefoot again. I always wear shoes now. ...even if I'm walking from living room to the kitchen, I'll slip on my shoes. I hope you're doing better!
  • I haven't been diagnosed but pretty sure I have it too. I have all hardwood floors and we used to not wear shoes in house. I would suffer for days after I swept and mopped floors in bear feet. I have a new pair of tennis shoes that I only wear indoors. It has made a big difference,
  • Pegasusonfire
    Pegasusonfire Posts: 41 Member
    well it ended up being a pinched nerve between my toes. Flairs up once in a while but I just take the anti inflammatory and it gets better in a day or two.