big drop now nothing

Latse Posts: 61 Member
First week of Keto ~3 weeks ago I had a great drop about 10lb, then a small gain of 2lb for week 2 (TOM) and week 3 has shown no movement on the scale at all. Am I doing something wrong, I made my dairy public and am open for suggestions.

I have done a ketostix every morning, and since day 3 it has been small or larger. Macro goals are set from one of the keto calculators I found online, don't remember what one. 1380calories 17carbs 107fat 86protien. Personal stats 5'6" 201lb 36 y/o light activity (lap swim 2-3 time a week) and a job that can go from sedentary to extremely active depending on the patient load.

I don’t do IF because 2 years ago I had bariatric surgery and can only eat about 1 cup of food at a time so I stick to a 5-6 small meals a day plan set up by my bariatric team.

First week the leg cramps were bad, but have since subsided, but not completely gone. Also in the morning I tend to get dizzy really easy, anyone else have this? Major complaint, the constipation is horrible, resorted to buying a bottle of magnesium citrate last night and will use it tonight after work if things don’t start to move on their own.

I’m I doing this right or totally off base?


  • sljohnson1207
    sljohnson1207 Posts: 818 Member
    For the cramps, you need to use sodium, and possibly take potassium and magnesium supplement. ketosis is naturally diuretic and depletes these electrolytes, esp. in first few weeks with lots of water loss.

    The third week stall is common. On the keto/low carb boards you may see it called PISS (post induction stall syndrome).

    Your diary looks pretty good to me, however, you may want to play with your macro percentages if after another 2-3 weeks things aren't moving in a downward trend. I highly recommend you use MS Excel to make a graph. You will see 'stalls' periodically, and then maybe some big 'whooshes' where you drop a lot very rapidly.

    According to your ticker you've lost 141 lbs already. What is your goal exactly? It's entirely possible that your goal is too aggressive..meaning, if you are closer to your goal weight, losing 2 lbs a week is pretty unrealistic in most cases. You may need to adjust your expectations and therefore your calories and macros for a .5 - 1 lb. weight loss per week.

    Also, artificial sweeteners can cause stalls for some folks. I say give it more time. You are only 3 weeks in. My bet is if you stick with it, you'll have a 'whoosh' next week.
  • Latse
    Latse Posts: 61 Member
    I do use an app called ketolog to put my stick results, total food cal/fat/carb/protien, & weight into everyday and it can graph it out to follow trends, it also has a space to put comments like TOM or bad leg cramps ect.

    Prior to bariatrics I was 342lb (highest ever), got down to 194lb in about 18 months then over the next year gained 10-15 back, have since relost/gain/relost that and am hangout at about 200lb. Goal is to get to 170-160lb then look into plastics to remove the loose skin around my middle (there is no amount of toning that will snap this skin back). After plastic that should put me at a healthy 150lb BMI of 24/high end of "
  • sljohnson1207
    sljohnson1207 Posts: 818 Member
    That sounds like a neat tool. Do you find the graphs useful? I know some of us do, and some don't. Just a matter of what works best for each one of us.

    Sounds like you've come a long way with bariatric surgery and are at a plateau. My mom had GB and plateaued at 200 lbs. She has since dropped some, gained some, dropped some again, but usually hovers around that area.She's happy with it and her doctors are, too. Seems that is where her body likes to be. She had some skin removed, but not all because it is so expensive, so that accounts for a fair amount of weight still on her actually.

    My weight stayed the same this week for 5 days straight within the same .2 lbs. For most of the journey, it has dropped each and every day. However, I had one two week stall....same fluctuation within a 1 lb. range. Then, it started dropping again pretty rapidly, and that was almost scary. It's never linear.

    I wish you great success, and like I said, I bet you'll see the scale moving again soon in no time.
  • persistentsoul
    persistentsoul Posts: 268 Member
    I found drinking lots of water, increasing green veg and last resort eating coffee beans sorts constipation. Probably drinking coffee would help too but i dont drink tea or coffee usually so just ate 5 coffee beans, cleared things out nicely :blushing:
  • mjrose514
    mjrose514 Posts: 60 Member
    I've been weighing everyday since starting this a month ago and I noticed I will loose good amounts and then maintain, gain, maintain and then loose again. This can last from just a few days to so far 10 days of no loosing, but I still have a good weekly average.
  • dorlic
    dorlic Posts: 10 Member
    This is exactly what I am seeing. Days of increases or leveled off, then suddenly I will be down 4 lbs. I am pretty sure it is water weight since sodium levels are something you really need to monitor closely.
  • SOOZIE429
    SOOZIE429 Posts: 638 Member
    It's totally normal not to have a loss after a huge loss the first week. Your body needs time to adjust. Patience. The weight will come off. Don't expect more than 1-2 lbs a week. Make sure you take measurements as well. Sometimes you will lose inches, but it won't show on the scale. Pay attention to how your clothes fit.

    Best of luck to you!! We're here for support. :)