Upset tummy... only four days out

PapaJames Posts: 12 Member
Having a rough day. Feeling nauseous and have a headache. I had 1/4 cup of protein drink and just enough water to take four morning meds. I crushed one of them, but the other three were smaller than an eraser, so I took them whole one at a time three hours ago. I'm so paranoid of dumping that I haven't tried anything else.

I've been able to burp and pass gas. No bowel movement as of yet, but I've been doing clear liquids since before RNY surgery.

I'm thinking this is all fairly normal, but not sure about the nausea today.


  • ATXHeather
    ATXHeather Posts: 218 Member
    I had the sleeve and was swallowing pills from day 1. It was that horrible liquid painkiller that I couldn't get down. I remember day 4 being a pretty rough day for me too; that's when they put me back on the anti-nausea patch. But things improved dramatically by day 6 and each day was better. Just really try to get your liquids down - set a time and take a sip every 5 minutes.