Great memories of feeling strong

Hey ya'll!

So, I read the BTF,FTM book about 6 weeks ago and absolutely LOVED it. It was, for me, so body positive compared to other fitness books. I'm really excited about the idea of focusing more on fat loss than on weight loss and understanding some more of the practical recommendations in the book that come from real-life successes.

For me, though, I was doing hardly any weight lifting or resistance training at all, and when I did do it (like once a week) I wasn't consistent with that. I would go a month or two without doing anything at all, at times!

After two weeks of doing the muscle primer work out (for very beginner beginners in the book) I was talking to a friend at church and got excited about something. I pushed down on the chair I was sitting on and pulled my whole body off the chair, without effort. I hung there for a few seconds with my jaw dropped open because I could do this thing. I couldn't believe it.

I could just *pick myself up* like it was NOTHING. Two weeks of doing the primer workout 3x a week (so 6 times total) and I was noticeably stronger. It was amazing. Addicting. I loved feeling strong.

So I'd like to know: What are ya'lls great memories of recognizing that you were getting stronger?