motivation challenge

jltheis7 Posts: 496 Member
This is a motivation exercise I do with my students when they start to get off track. Try it!

So what is a small achievable goal you're working on? Me, it's getting exercise in before work. Now, write down all the things you're doing that don't allow you to reach that goal. Me again, I stay up late, don't prep for the next day so I oversleep and don't have time. Finally, write down some things you are going to do differently to support your efforts. I will prepare for the next day by 9:30, complete my meditation and be in bed by 10:30. I'm off to bed so 'night all!


  • LadyNiteOwl
    LadyNiteOwl Posts: 61 Member
    The goal I am working on is eating less carbs. Here are the things that are keeping me from reaching my goal. I eat cherrios or shredded wheat every morning. I eat a peanut butter sandwhich every day for lunch. I am going to have eggs a few times a week. I am going to eat a salad for lunch at least 4 times a week. I will plan meals ahead of time.
  • jltheis7
    jltheis7 Posts: 496 Member
    Very doable....Carbs are my kryptonite; I have to pack a healthy lunch and snacks the night before or the temptation can be too much. Only a little successful so far with mine as I just haven't adjusted to school time yet.
  • LadyNiteOwl
    LadyNiteOwl Posts: 61 Member
    It won't be long and you will be adjusted to schooltime. I used to pack my lunch the night before when I worked. I agree no temptation then. Going shopping today for healthy foods' Thank you for this challenge :) I think this will help me alot.
  • jjeanmneis
    jjeanmneis Posts: 83 Member
    I've noticed that I'm MUCH more likely to eat healthy in the mornings. I'm trying to have my "eating" day all planned out. Since I love using my slow cooker (the liners are a god send) I try to get it going before work while I grab my breakfast, midmorning snack, lunch and afternoon snack in my lunch bag. When I go out the door in the morning with a plan I've found I'm less tempted to eat on impulse because I already have something on hand and dinner when I get home.
    I'm always open to new "healthy" snack ideas so please share. I don't want to get bored and grab something unhealthy - I have to watch my sweet tooth impulse.
  • AllieLosingIt
    AllieLosingIt Posts: 150 Member
    A small, achievable goal that I'm working on: Drinking 12-14 8-ounce glasses of water per day.

    Things that I'm doing that don't allow me to reach that goal: Drinking soda. If I'm filling myself up on Diet Mountain Dew, I'm not interested in drinking more.

    Things that I will do differently to support my efforts: Only drink a Diet Mountain Dew with my popcorn and while I get ready for work. I know it's still too much, but it will make it significantly easier to get all the water my body really needs.
  • Skittles2183
    Skittles2183 Posts: 1,615 Member
    I have a small goal that every day I will not think about getting to 300, I know thats weird but I think in the back of my head I'm scared so I keep putting weight on and taking it off but never reaching 300. so each day I just take it one day at a time
  • jltheis7
    jltheis7 Posts: 496 Member
    Love everyone's small goals! This is one of the best things about MFP for me, sharing the similar struggles and challenges. And really grasping the importance of every achievement, big or little. I'm setting my alarm on my kindle to go off when it's time to meditate, journal and log on here to help me stay on track. You guys always reenergize me to work harder!