Hanging skin resolutions

I made this forum for anyone who has any idea how to maybe improve hanging skin other than surgery something we can work on before taking that leap for another surgery,

Any ideas on what to buy as far as spankx or maybe bodysuits


  • mikesgirl4evr
    mikesgirl4evr Posts: 363 Member
    Unfortunately I don't have a whole lot of answers for the sagging skin issues. I wish I did. I have come to the conclusion that unless I win the lottery or find myself a sugar daddy, skin removal isn't happening since insurance out-right refuses to pay. I currently use a full-lenth girdle (or as you youngins call them, spanx). I have to have the long ones because my extra thigh skin hangs way below my knee making short ones useless. Since the girdle is so hot, I can only wear it in the cooler months. The rest of the time I wear capris instead of shorts and quite honestly am working on accepting my body like it is, saggy skin and all, since I don't see any solutions in sight. Sorry, I can't be much more help.
  • Mom2Cubs
    Mom2Cubs Posts: 60 Member
    Make sure you stay hydrated, eat protein and exercise. A lot of sagging skin will firm up, especially for those on the younger side or those that haven't been extra fluffy for too long. Insurance will occasionally pay for the surgery, but then again it is another surgery. (Insurance will usually pay for a "tummy tuck" when there has been a hernia issue, extensive back pain or constant yeast infections from hanging skin. It will usually pay for a "breast lift" if the patient is going DOWN at least one cup size....just some thoughts.)
  • original_mami
    original_mami Posts: 35 Member
    Thank you ladies for your insight.