Hi my name is Michelle I'm currently 260lbs and I am on my 3 week liquid diet I'm going to have the gastric sleeve my surgery date is scheduled for 9/9/14. and I'm very scared and excited all at the same time!
I thought it might be nice to have a thread where everyone can go to post questions and get them answered. If we have a separate thread it will be easier to find them. Pre-surgery or post-surgery, feel free to ask. Between all of us, somebody should have an answer or at the very least have an idea where you could find the…
Weigh ins
How about a thread where we can talk numbers and encourage each other on our losses (and help deal with bumps in the road). Sometimes it is hard to keep up with all the posts on the home page and this way, we will be less likely to miss someone's newest achievement.
Yummy Recipes
YAY food talk LOL I wanted to make a recipe thread for everyone to share post-op and long term meal ideas with our fellow WLS members for example. We are all counting calories and intake so if you have a good recipes and want to share please post it here let us know how much calories it is per serving if you know
Exercise Ideas
hula-hoop? fun and an awesome way to tone your thighs, arms, tummy and booty!. You can buy these fitness hoops online or at target they come weighted just like a regular weights but these are fun to do it doesn't feel like your exercising!
Would like to hear ideas from people who are fighting regain after surgery
Trying to get a grip
Hi everyone, I had lapband 8 years ago with great success. Over the last couple of years, some weight has crept back on. I just haven’t been watching what I eat and get no exercise. I want to get on track again! Looking for support :-)
January 2019 Gastric Bypass
HI everyone! My name is Crystal. I am 34 years old and having gastric bypass on Monday, 1/7/19. I am very nervous and hope I am making the best decision. I have been overweight my entire life and I want to be around for my daughter and give her a sibling one day. I am 5'4 and 255lbs, most of my weight in my stomach. Anyone…
Premium option
I have a question to those in the WLS group..who has tried or is currently using the premium option here on my fitness pal? Tried a month of Weight Watchers on line, but was not satisfied with the information or ease of logging foods. I couldn't see how much protien and other nutritional information I need to adjust my…
Thanksgiving is almost here
Just wondering if everyone has a food plan in mind for the upcoming holiday? The holidays can be so difficult - all the old comfort foods that we enjoy, family trying to get you to eat more or "try this." Because of all the challenges it is so important to have a plan going in. Dessert is always the hardest for me to get…
I just had a huge non-scale victory and just had to share. A few minutes ago, I was in the bathroom changing clothes and we have a huge mirror in there. Normally, I try to avoid looking because I have major issues with my sagging skin. But today I looked and noticed that for the first time in a long time, maybe even the…
Happy November!!
Hello everyone! How is everyone doing? Who's had surgery? Getting ready to have surgery? How did you get through Halloween? Good I hope. Thankfully we don't get trick or treaters in our apartment complex so I don't have to buy any and since my son is too old to go out, he doesn't bring any in. Win for me!! My life has been…
Hmmmmm, where did everyone go?
Hello my dear friends. I am so sorry that I kinda dropped off the face of the earth on you. I've not been in a real good place and have been dealing with far too many things. Between medication changes, blood work, my therapist and a very good friend of mine, I think I have finally pulled myself out of that dark place and…
September 15
Good morning friends!! How is everyone doing on this Monday morning? Did you do anything fun over the weekend? Things are good here. Staying on track nicely which is a real new concept for me. I even turned down a cookie at church yesterday. And I even cleaned this apartment. Other than that, didn't do too much. I need to…
September 13
Hey gang, how's everyone doing today? Good I hope. Anything fun planned for today? Nothing here. I have some reading to catch up on, some reviews to write, catch up on my blog and maybe clean a little in this apartment. So hard to keep things clean with a 16 year old, a dog and 2 cats, not to mention a partner who doesn't…