


  • asp415
    asp415 Posts: 1,492 Member
    Hi everyone. Thanks for joining. I'm sorry I have been a bit MIA, my family doesn't see much of me during the week so on the weekends I try & devote as much time to family activities, etc & not being online.

    If you read everyone's intros we are all here pretty much for the same thing. We are tired of not being who we know we are & can be, be it w/more activity, weight loss, etc. we need to change. Let's work together & do this thing, we can & will succeed!
  • ThatsWhatSheSaid101
    I'm up for it! My name is Lia and am just getting into exercising regularly again. I think this group is a good motivation to push myself harder and to not fall off the band wagon again. I love to swim and strength train but I think I need to focus more on running. I can't run for anything, haha. I was in decent shape a few years ago but then life sort of got in the way and I'm hoping to get back to that. I really think I can do this challenge and am super happy to start :D Also, I just moved from California to someplace where it snows a lot so if anyone has any tips for exercising outside when it's chilly I'd be so grateful! Looking forward to doing this with everyone!

    Don't bundle up too much because you will sweat and then get sick. The biggest thing in the winter is actually motivating yourself to do something. For a lot of us by January/February we are so over the cold it's sometimes hard to find motivation just to get up and keep going to the gym and for me personally not to either eat myself to death or go out when I'm bored at night. I do indoor walking in the winter while I watch tv because otherwise I eat. Winters can get tough you just have to be creative and stay strong focusing on your goals!
  • glynie12
    glynie12 Posts: 182 Member
    hi everyone! sorry for the late introduction. my daughter was home for a visit this weekend and i didn't spend a huge amount of time on the computer! im from ontario canada, belong to a breast cancer survivor dragonboat racing team and have just started to run again.
    im looking forward to this challenge as i feel it fits my needs. im not big on groups per se and only belong to one other. it was an august squat challenge and i think we will continue to a september abs challenge...pretty fun stuff!

    this 3500+x7 group is super committed and there is a goal for all of us. thats why i gravitated toward it!
    being fit again is very important to me as i am an 11 month breast cancer survivor and not only do i simply want to be healthy and fit again after going thru treatment, but i feel i need to be and stay that way for my future health.

    im really looking forward to the next 9 months with you all:)
  • alemonada
    alemonada Posts: 28 Member
    Hi! My name is Amy...I joined the July challenge and it was great. I am happy to see that this is going to be a permanent group. It really kept me on track. I've lost around 30 pounds so far and it's getting harder to stay motivated as the weight seems to be harder to take off. I would like to lost 35-45 more pounds....that is my goal for next summer, so that is only about 5 pounds a month. I know if I can keep up with this group, it will be a breeze!
  • tamawamara
    tamawamara Posts: 224 Member
    Hi , I'm Tamara, Joined Aug. Challenge and loved it, AND I lost 4 lbs. I'd like to lose AT LEAST Another 4 this month, HOPEFULLY,Before My B-day, SEPT. 28 To bring me back to a 40 lb weight loss. I GAINED about 15 lbs back since turning 40, a few years back. I WILL need help From Group Leaders, IF I win weekly challenges, in coming up w/ different exercises , because I don't have a Great knowledge base. Other than That, I'M ready !
  • Blacksunshine1
    Blacksunshine1 Posts: 25 Member
    Hi all. I joined the challenge in July and really enjoyed it. However, with vacations and summer break I slacked off a little. I want to be extra fine for my 40th bday next June (2015). Let's go!
  • Ilove2dance77
    Ilove2dance77 Posts: 527 Member
    Hey everyone!

    I've done the previous challenge, I think 3 times now, and really really enjoyed it. It has been one of the things which has underpinned my weightloss as it has pushed me to exercise to a higher level than I would have ever done on my own. I now have a new milestone - lose 8 pounds to hit the normal weight BMI category, so I would like to achieve this by the end of October at the latest.

    I'm a bit nervous about the new X7 elements as I'm in a couple of other challenges, so I'm just going to do the best I can, and hope that at some point I can hit those goals too.

    Thanks again to Asp415 and Rassy for keeping this challenge going. It has helped a LOT of people achieve more than they ever thought they could.

    ETA: I'm probably going to post weekly, but will log the details daily in my notes section of my exercise diary.
  • 4Titaa
    4Titaa Posts: 42 Member
    The thought of 9 MONTHS TO A NEW beautifully thought out ,THANK YOU.
    I like to (re)join, i believe this group to be by far the best and most focus group on here.
    over my first attempt i let things/life move my priorities and goals around.

    am 36yrs/ 3 kids
    Am currently 198lbs and cant seem to steer away from the 90's... now that kids back in school , its ON!!
    i know am a week late ,but appreciate the challenge.

  • jessjn6
    Hi Everyone!

    This really sounds great and just what I need to start pushing myself again. I used to be able to push myself when on my own but over the last few months I've been struggling. I don't want to undo the progress I've made and am looking forward to having set goals and someone to help me stay accountable.

    Currently at 200- started my journey at 270 in 2011. A couple of past knee surgeries and various injuries to deal with but I'm not stopping!

  • sweetpea2820
    sweetpea2820 Posts: 181 Member
    HI, am hoping it's not to late to join the group. I am a forty year old stay at home mom. Tired of being a yo-yo dieter. Tired of being a stress eater and so ready to look great. Currently I'm at 156lbs goal is 135. :smile:
  • ashleyjohnstonn1
    ashleyjohnstonn1 Posts: 359 Member
    Hey guys! I am hoping to get started with this group if it's not too late :)

    I'm a 19 year old full time college student and I work at a local breakfast restaurant. I have been on my weight loss journey for about 6 months now and I'm hoping that this group will get me out of the rut I've been in! I've been logging my food and exercising (a little bit) but I'm hoping that this group will encourage me to exercise a whole lot more :)
  • cyclerjenn
    cyclerjenn Posts: 835 Member
    Hi all, I'm a late joiner to the group but looking forward to the challenge.

    I'm a single mother of 2 kids that works a full time job and attends school part-time. My son wants to see me run the Ironman so I am train the for the race next year.

    I have about 40 pounds to my goal but I am the type of person that needs a challenge to really get me in gear.
  • ceemaw
    ceemaw Posts: 306 Member
    hi there! sorry for the late post - it's been one thing after another for the last month and a half and i've had to do some unexpected traveling, among other things, and have not been logging consistently. i'm 42 and trying to lose the "baby weight" (my youngest just turned 3). i've been working out 4-5 times a week since the beginning of the year and am about halfway to my goal of losing 50 pounds. i've done this 3500 challenge a few times and loved it. i'm looking forward to this! i'm in the process of recovering from a pinched nerve in my lower back so i'm not burning as many calories right now (doctor's orders: only gentle walking!), but i want to start logging and having the 3500 calorie goal to work up to in the near future.