Is there anything I can do to help with BO?

Hello! I've been a longtime lurker here and this is my first post.

I'm wondering if anyone knows of anything I can eat to help with my keto BO? I've got it BAD. I've been in ketosis for a number of weeks now (feeling great) but the BO has only seemed to have gotten worse not better. The strange thing is I've never had keto breath - only bad BO!

I'm sorry if this has already been mentioned somewhere, I've searched around and done a lot of reading online - so far nothing has helped. I drink lots of water each day and supplement with sodium/potassium/magnesium. I'm female so I've tried lots of things that are supposed to help with hormones such as red raspberry leaf tea etc but so far no luck. Really hoping theres something I can ingest that would help, I've read that eating a lot of pineapple is supposed to make your sweat smell sweeter but obviously I can't eat that haha.

I know people will suggest strong deodorants but trust me I use them! Also it's not just my pits but my whole body that sweats and smells - my feet are super bad. It's horrible after working out (to the point that I can't work out before work unless theres time to shower after) but also just during the day I'm usually smelly by mid morning or lunchtime and I live in Cali so if it's slightly hot I'm totally doomed.

Appreciate any suggestions!


  • persistentsoul
    persistentsoul Posts: 268 Member
    Oh that sounds unpleasant, poor you

    I have not had this issue but I went in to Ketosis quickly and easily so I think my body has probably been in ketogenic state many times before on past diets that maybe made it more ready and willing to adapt to long term Ketogenic lifestyle.

    I had a quick google and read that this can be a short term issue while body adapts to Ketosis and should resolve when body is fully keto adapted which I believe can take 6 weeks or longer for some people.

    I hope it resolves soon for you. Also are you sure you smell as bad as you think? Maybe your sense of smell has become extra sensitive,that can happen on calorie deficit, it is so you can smell food more easily if there is a famine going on.
  • Thanks for the response! Yes I've read that too and have been trying to wait it out, but I've been on the diet quite a while now and no signs of improvement though.

    I wish it was just my sense of smell! But it's definitely real, my husband has been (kindly) letting me know this haha. He's been telling me that it's been getting a lot worse lately despite me trying to fix it (and I have to admit he's right - it's bad) which motivated me to reach out about it.
  • persistentsoul
    persistentsoul Posts: 268 Member
    That is not want you want to hear from the man in your life. I wish I knew the answer. Most sites say just keep upping water but if swimming in water already then not that. I did find this

    Seems to suggest our smells have a lot to do with genetic way we respond to foods. Maybe try cutting down a lot or removing one suspect food at a time and see if there is an improvement. It could be anything I guess if it is so personally genetic driven. Most likely it would be something you eat a lot more of now than before. I would seek advice from a doctor or nutritionist who knows about ketogenic eating. As you say on profile it is for medical reasons so you maybe can not increase your Carbs as some sites suggest. Perhaps play with macro balance a bit within whatever range you need to stay in medically. I am sure there will be a solution but not fun for you while still looking for it. I don't know if perhaps more live foods would help like kefir. Through a process of illumination you will find the solution sooner or later. I hope it is sooner for you :)

    One more snipit
    Apparently adding these spices can help , spices like coriander, turmeric, and caraway. I love turmeric and add it to my food most days, it does have some Carbs so I log it.
  • persistentsoul
    persistentsoul Posts: 268 Member
    I was just reading a thread posted on message boards under nutrition about someone worried they were eating too much protein. One of the responders said they noticed they smelled funny when ate more protein than they needed. The general recommendation on that thread was 1g protein per 1lb of lean body mass. I read that and thought of you. I looked at your diary and some days you are over your protein goals. Maybe try keeping your protein only to the amount you need and getting it more from white meats and fish as I also read somewhere that red meats tend to affect peoples scent more than white meats if they have that issue. You can replace excess protein with more healthy fats.
  • elize7
    elize7 Posts: 1,088 Member
    Definately found that to be true with red meat.
  • SuperCarLori
    SuperCarLori Posts: 1,248 Member
    I just embrace my cat spray bits and keep rolling. However, I don't work with the public, and I have no social life. :D
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,103 Member
    Personally, my instinctive responses are that your body is detoxing from everything you've done to it over the years (especially the foot part) and/or you have candida or other bacterial die-off. I'd look into both those things.

    Detoxing may require extra fluids and/or kidney and liver support...

    Candida and bacterial die-off (in the gut, as it heals), have specific protocols.

    I would just check and see if anything clicks for you. If not, try wiping down all "smelly" skin surfaces with witch hazel, letting it dry, then applying deodorant or clothing, etc.