Back today

I have been off site and off track for the past 10 days. My sister was visiting from out of state and while we had hoped to be supportive of one another we ended up enabling each other and eating off the grid. Per my weight this date I have gained and now need to re-lose weight that was once gone. The most positive aspect is that I am back to this cite have restocked my refrigerator with health foods and am tracking in the food diary today. For those of you who recognize this pattern and the accompanning guilt the only thing I can say is forward march.....


  • armywife924
    I am glad you are back. I am back as well, but had different reasons. I hope you had fun, and am happy that you are setting your sights forward instead of letting the guilt get the best of you. So great job!! Keep up the good work, and you will be able to loose it again in no time. :) Welcome Back!

  • candivito
    So glad you are back! Sometimes you just have to give yourself a break. Kudos for not giving up!!
  • eviebee03
    eviebee03 Posts: 101 Member
    Glad to see ur back!I too have been there before... well done for getting back on the wagon!
  • 3athlt
    3athlt Posts: 131 Member
    I haven't been very active on MFP either. I've been logging in, but I haven't been logging my food. I haven't fell off the wagon, in fact I should (hopefully) lose at least 2 more pounds this week. Due some serious knee pain, I've been trying to take it easy - but it hasn't helped. I'm going to call my ortho doctor tomorrow and hopefully the wait won't be very long. I still have my foot pain (feels like I'm stepping on a marble - every step) and I finally see my podiatrist on Monday (YES!), but my knee pain has got SO bad that my foot pain isn't nearly as bad. Sorry I haven't been checking logs or anything, but everyone is still on my mind. Hopefully after I can get all this pain treated I can start "killing" my training once again!
  • armywife924
    Marty I hope that you are able to get some help with the pain and that it is not too serious. Great job on keeping it going, even if it is less, or is just eating plan. Better to stick to part, then to stop it all. But I don't want you to get hurt worse by pushing it too hard. I hope that everyone else is doing well. We are all trying so hard to get healthier, and I think as long as we check in with each other, and are there for everyone in case anyone is having a hard time then we are doing all we need to do. :)

    Hope everyone is doing well!!