Day 1 Week 1 Level 1 Complete

succeedin2 Posts: 501 Member
I just finished Day 1 Level 1 I finished 30 Day Shred yesterday. Today was busy because I did Zumba, Step Reebok & Body Pump also. I need to step my game up so this week I'm doing extra. I was fine but got tired towards the end after the plank jacks. How was your Day 1? Did you include other workouts? Did you measure and take pics?


  • teetee1281
    teetee1281 Posts: 1,076 Member
    Today was a very rough day at first. I had family visiting from MD and when they left, I crashed. If it wasn't for this challenge, I would not have mustered the motivation to get up and workout! I first ran 1/2 mile (part of my run 20 days challenge) and then completed my first day. I took measurements yesterday, but no pics. But I am thinking about joining a dietbet challenge, which I would have to take a picture anyway. How was everyone else's Labor Day?
  • lalajka
    lalajka Posts: 368 Member
    I've actually been doing level 1 for three weeks now and I think I'm finally ready to go to level 2. What killed me the most in the beginning was the second round of burpees (wih jumps) and those side planks were a killer, too. I use a 2 kg weight (4.5 lb) and it was too heavy for the side lunges - I couldn't get all the way down and back up, so I did those without the weight. Other than that I think it is a great workout and according to my hrm I burn about 220-240 calories doing it :).
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,953 Member
    I'm kind of in a bad habit of doing exercise DVDs barefoot. Did not work for this one haha. Shoes next time, shoes!
    I really liked this workout though, I have decent hopes for it. I don't expect to get a 6 pack, but I think I will gain core strength if I keep at it.
  • fitb440goal
    fitb440goal Posts: 81 Member
    I ended up doing it on 8/31 because I knew I wouldn't be able to work out yesterday. Looking forward to getting back at it tonight. It wasn't as difficult as I thought it would be, I think doing the 30S first definitely helped. One move I absolutely could not do was the side plank leg lift thing... hopefully I will work up to that one.
  • Joleen24
    Joleen24 Posts: 4 Member
    I was sick yesterday, so did my first day today. I couldn't do the side plank lift things properly at all either! But I'm hoping to incorporate this into an everyday thing indefinitely, so I think it will be best to just focus on potential for improvement instead of seeing anything as a failure. Great workout!
  • succeedin2
    succeedin2 Posts: 501 Member
    Great job that side plank got me too!
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,953 Member
    So... I missed yesterday haha (sheesh, it was day 2!!) - I'm going to try to do it twice today. It may not happen but I suppose I was only going to do it 5 days a week anyway.