Day 1



  • rubyeskimo
    rubyeskimo Posts: 18 Member
    Hi Everyone! I'm Emma, 27 from the UK and currently following the slimming world plan from home plus the fitness blender workouts. I actually started a 100 day challenge last week, so I'm currently on Day 7. I weigh in on Monday mornings and I'm hoping to get to my target by the 8th December when I go on holiday!
  • givemewillpower
    Hiya guys I'm Rosa :)

    I'm 5'5 and hoping to lose 22lbs by Christmas, so maybe 19-20lbs in 100 days! No easy feat!

    I'm doing alternate days of 30 day shred (on day 1) and couch to 5k (on week 3 day 2). I'm also taking 1 rest day per week.

    On top of that I've cut processed food out of my diet for the time being and am drinking 3L of water per day.

    My goals aside from weight loss are to:
    reduce my body fat from 27% to 21%
    Run 5k in under 30 minutes
    Be able to do the splits
  • alexrichaa
    Hi Everyone,
    It's so lovely reading all your messages. WE CAN DO THIS BY CHRISTMAS!!!

    So my name is Alex, I'm 22 from the UK. Currently at 159lbs. would love to be 126lbs or lower by Christmas!!. My partner is away in the military and will be back at the end of the 100 days so want to surprise him.

    My goal is to lose minimum 2lb per week and don't binge (which I am terrible for).
    I worked out in the next 14 weeks if I lose 2.3lbs per week I will hit this target by Christmas so it is doable everyone!!

    A x
  • Kzyden
    Kzyden Posts: 4 Member
    Hello everyone :)
    My name is Kelsey, I am 24 years old.
    I had some health issues earlier this year so I am ready to improve my health and take better care of my body!
    I am currently on day 10 of the Isagenix 30 day cleanse. Today and tomorrow I will be cleansing so my mini goal is to make it to Friday morning without breaking my meal plans.
    100 days from now I will be headed to New Zealand to visit family so I would love to rock a swim suit on the beach without feeling self conscious!
  • elieless
    elieless Posts: 2 Member
    Hi all!

    I'm elie and 24 yrs old. I like to lose 4 kilograms by christmas and, which will maybe the hardest part, keep them off!

    I am exited to work towards our goals and motivate each other along the way.

  • mr0530
    mr0530 Posts: 6 Member
    Hello everyone!

    I'm Mandee and 26 years old.. I'm a stay-at-home mom to two little ... angels ;) ...Looking to shed some dreaded baby weight and look/feel better in a dress.. (Attending best friend's wedding November 1st and husband's command formal Christmas party)

    Started at 165.
    Currently at 160
    Goal of 130-135

    Current work out is a mix of the 30DS and an elliptical trainer..
  • blb85
    blb85 Posts: 187 Member
    I'm so glad I stumbled upon this group today!!! (via one of my MFP friends) I just recently joined my gym at my office and started to work-out there as of yesterday, so I no longer have an excuse to not work out (I can work out before work, lunch hour, or after work; I have no excuse not to do it). I just will need to find a way to be active on non-work days (since gym will not be open)... But I HAVE to kick this weight off!! I am the heaviest I have ever been in my entire life and it disgusts me that I have let myself go this far... I am currently 5'0" around 156-158 (depending on the day) lbs and I would love to just be around 120 and toned! I'm realizing that I am no longer able to shed weight as fast as I did in my early/mid twenties and it will actually take WORK! So I need to be more accountable for my actions! I CAN LOSE THIS!
  • SandraJ72
    SandraJ72 Posts: 15 Member
    Hi! I'm Sandra from Ontario, Canada.

    I would like to lose about 45 pounds total but I want to do it in a healthy way!! By Christmas, if I could be down by about 20 pounds or weigh between 145-150, I'd be quite pleased with myself. At only 5'1", 167lbs is just way too much on my small frame and the aches and pains are really dragging me down and making me even less motivated to exercise.

    My daily goals:
    1. Avoid junk food binges by keeping nuts (salty) or berries (sweet) nearby
    2. Drink at least 64oz of water
    3. Walk/Exercise at least 30 minutes
    4. Remember to take my B12!
    5. Get a good night's sleep

    Mini goal for this week: Eat more greens!

    Good Luck Everyone. Dare to Dream... :smile:
  • 10PercentSteps
    10PercentSteps Posts: 9 Member
    I'm Samantha, from Colorado. I would love to loose about 30 pounds in 100 days. I have a trip in Feb back to my hometown and want jaws to drop. I have been heavy all my life and now that I have moved away, I think it will be awesome to go back for visits and basically be a whole new person! For myself, and to prove the "haters" wrong. :)

    Daily Goals:
    ~Drink lots of water - no more soda
    ~Plenty of vegetables with lunch and dinner
    ~Snack on fruits and veggies to keep me full in between meals
    ~Make breakfast at home every morning
    ~Get back to the gym (have been out due to knee pain).

    Im sure we can all reach our goals if we put our minds to it!

    Starting weight - 294
    Mini Goal (100 days) - 264
  • draymond1997
    Hi! I'm Dawn from Illinios and I'm 44 yrs old.

    I've done Weight Watchers about 3 times and I loss weight, but I get bored and quit. Then I gain weight back! I want to loss 40-50 lbs and keep it off! I probably wont loss it all by Christmas, but it would be a good start!
    I would like a challenge a week and that would be a good start for me cuz I like a challenge!

    Hopefully I will stick with this group and not get bored! :(
  • joshuaratliff
    joshuaratliff Posts: 49 Member
    Hello Everyone!

    My friend Becs here on MFP loves her 100 day challenges, and has had absolutely amazing transformations after 2 of them. She has inspired and motivated me to start my own. I began my new and healthy life January 15th at 274 pounds, and have lost 54 pounds of fat/gained about 10 pounds in muscle. I have 25 pounds to lose but focused more on getting to 15% body fat as I'm weight lifting. Currently I'm at 23.0% Body Fat, down from 33.07%

    I have a varied exercise routine. I don't stick to certain days I have to workout. I feel as long as I'm consistent and focused...what does it matter the day I workout. That being said I focus on weekdays mainly, as my life with 2 kids (including an infant), 2 jobs, and the only one in the family with a driver license makes scheduling difficult.

    My workouts I fit into 5 days. I run intervals 35 minutes (jog 5.5 mph 90 sec and run 7.5-8.25 mph 60 sec) + lift weights for 30-35 minutes 3 days a week. The other 2 days I go out and do road runs. I am training for my first Half Marathon on October 5th, so the road runs are training for that. After the Half Marathon I will begin Stronglifts 5x5 and only do intervals 2 days a week. I'll still run outside 1 day a week for fun because I never tried running until this year and love it.


    September 3 - December 12 = 100 Days

    1. Ignore calories and focus on Macros
    2. Weigh in weekly but ignore it. (Wednesdays)
    3. Measure once a month.

    1. Run 1 mile longer for each weekly long run (at 6 miles this week). Finish training by running 10 mile long run by 1st of October.
    2. Interval run times are 60 sec jog/60 sec running by end of month.
    3. Interval speed is 6 mph jog and 8.5 mph run by end of month.
    4. Lose 2.75% Body Fat.

    1. Complete my Half Marathon October 5th.
    2. Begin Stronglifts 5x5.
    3. Lose 2.5% Body Fat.

    1. Lose 2% Body Fat.

    1. Lose .75% Body Fat.
    2. Post photos.

    Good Luck all.
  • labrattcq
    Hello Everyone from Maryland, USA -

    I just found this group, but am glad to have all of the support that I can get. I have a lot of weight to lose and I know that with your support I can get there. Like most folks, I kept my pregnancy weight and due to several hurdles and losses I have gained even more. I have one son currently deployed and from the pictures he has sent me he is changing physically and I want to change for his return too. We are past due for a happy deployment reunion. Thank you for welcoming me into the group and I can't wait to get started.
  • mroe2
    mroe2 Posts: 9 Member
    Hey everyone!

    I am also brand new and love this idea. It's so easy to say negative things about myself and it helps to keep the positive goal of feeling confident in my body at Christmas time as the main focus!

    My mini-goals are:

    *Not to have a beer after work
    *Challenge negative self-talk with positive thinking and challenges
  • amkilfoil
    HI! I am Alicia from Fair Oaks, CA. I am 48 and about 30lbs over. Recently I have been using a fitbit and have been simply documenting my patterns of eating, sleeping and lack of exercising! I want to be successful in this lifestyle change so I am first observing, then making changes one at a time. I have failed many times by making too many changes at once. I think that putting it all out there in a public forum will create more accountability for me! Seeing that big 0 weight lost on my ticker is motivating!!


    My goals for this week

    * Sleep at least 7.5 hours every night
    * Drink 8 glasses of water daily
    * No food after 1800
  • tamazinglee
    tamazinglee Posts: 186 Member
    I am 38 years old from Massachusetts. I just found this group today and I'm very happy to be a part of it.

    My goal for this 100 day challenge is to log my food every single day and to do some sort of physical activity at least 4 times a week.

    I remember 10 years ago when I was 50 pounds lighter and trying to lose weight. I can't believe I was overweight and instead of losing weight, I let myself gain more. I need to get control over my life.
  • nancy_bou20
    nancy_bou20 Posts: 11 Member
    Hi everyone,

    Loved reading everyone's posts. I am 28 years old and I would love to lose those dreaded last 5-10 lbs once and for all! I do very well when I write my food in and I am so happy to have found this group. What a great idea to get ready for Christmas.

    Let's keep each other motivated!


  • thepandapost
    thepandapost Posts: 117 Member
    Hi everyone - glad I found this challenge. Looking for something to keep me going through the end of the year.
    A little bit about me...(I feel like this is old school a/s/l :laugh: )

    26 years old female from Northern Virginia - USA

    I have been living a healthy lifestyle since age 15. Before then I was a very obese tween/teen - only exercise was walking to the kitchen. Discovered over the past 11 years is that this journey is for life. Weight has fluctuated all over since but never have returned to the weight I was at that age.

    Rejoined in May 2014 after going through a period of weight gain. Put on pounds after my Dad passed in June 2013 from obesity related issues.

    Goal for the next 100 days - I have 16 weigh ins between now and Christmas so I am setting my goal to be 16 pounds. Right now the scale has been averaging over a pound a week, so I feel like 16 is reasonable/doable/attainable.

    How will I get there? I already login everyday but I want to get my macros better - more protein is what I struggle with. I follow IIFYM principles. I also will continue marathon training (race October 26th) and make sure I keep my fitness on point after race day.
  • thepandapost
    thepandapost Posts: 117 Member
    Also - everyone/anyone feel free to add me as a friend :)
  • catarinadev
    catarinadev Posts: 61 Member
    Also - everyone/anyone feel free to add me as a friend :)

  • littlefury
    littlefury Posts: 25 Member
    I'm so glad I stumbled upon this group today!!! (via one of my MFP friends) I just recently joined my gym at my office and started to work-out there as of yesterday, so I no longer have an excuse to not work out (I can work out before work, lunch hour, or after work; I have no excuse not to do it). I just will need to find a way to be active on non-work days (since gym will not be open)... But I HAVE to kick this weight off!! I am the heaviest I have ever been in my entire life and it disgusts me that I have let myself go this far... I am currently 5'0" around 156-158 (depending on the day) lbs and I would love to just be around 120 and toned! I'm realizing that I am no longer able to shed weight as fast as I did in my early/mid twenties and it will actually take WORK! So I need to be more accountable for my actions! I CAN LOSE THIS!

    As a fellow "heaviest I have ever been" of 5'0", I can definitely sympathize. I desperately want to get back into the 1 hundred teens. Our little bodies don't want to be this big - we can do this!