New to keto

Hello everyone. I am rather new to Keto, and I have a question in regards to carbs and net carbs. As suggested by cavemanketo I have adjusted mfp settings to track fat, protein, carbohydrates, and fiber. When I look at my nutrients for the day do I subtract the fiber from the carbs and just count net carbs? I just want to make certain I am doing this correctly. Thank you!!


  • strawmama
    strawmama Posts: 623 Member
    You'll probably get two different answers here, yes and no. Some people do not use net carbs as their guide, some do. I have always used net carbs (total carbs - fiber). Personally, I don't think it much matters once you get into ketosis. You'll find what works best for you at that point. Some can eat 50g carbs and still be in ketosis, others can't (like me). I aim for 30g net carbs or lower.
  • WestieGoneNorth
    WestieGoneNorth Posts: 19 Member
    I was reading a book by Eric Westman, he's one of the main keto researcher he works for atkins. He said, "net carbs is a flawed method, don't use it." Also a big mistake people make with keto, is too much protein. This is a very low carb, moderate protein, high fat diet. You can't give protein recommendations to people, it varies due to many factors. Your best bet is to get something that measures ketosis(not ketostix) and find your carb and protein limit.

    This was something that I really struggled with in the first week. My protein was too high and fat not enough! It's been a struggle to fit fat into my diet in the amounts required by keto. I'm learning that heavy cream and butter need to be added to everything!