Day 45: September 3

ronercat Posts: 273 Member
It seems strange that it is already September. It feels like the summer just flew by. I swear it is still mid June at the latest. I am excited for fall though. It is probably my favorite season. The changing leaves are beautiful, the air has a crispness to it and of course there is Halloween and all that comes with it (I love wearing costumes). This post is a bit random, but my mind is still on vacation mode. Oh well haha. Anyone have other reasons why they like fall or would you rather have summer hang around a bit longer?


  • artelyn
    artelyn Posts: 175 Member
    Zac, I just have to tell you...I think you are the best! I love your attitude and your funness (is that a word?) You just seem to really enjoy life and all it has to offer. I love it! If you were older and I wasn't married, I'd ask you out for a drink! A low cal non fat drink, but a drink all the same! :drinker:

    I love fall because I love to bake with pumpkin. I won't go in to details because I don't want to make myself hungry ( or anyone else for that matter) but my goal is this fall to try to "lighten" up some of my fav pumpkin recipes. I like the crispness of the air too, but I hate that it gets dark earlier and stays darker in the morning. But...overall its a great time of year.

    Diana in Maine
  • catladyksa
    catladyksa Posts: 1,269 Member
    I LOVE fall too!! I suppose if I lived in Alaska like my brother does, I would love the summers there, but where I am (and today it is sitting at 110 F), I can NOT wait for the fall to get here. I love the atmosphere, Halloween, Thanksgiving and the fact that I can get outside and walk instead of on my treadmill. I am with you Zac on this one!!!
  • NorahCait
    NorahCait Posts: 325 Member
    I have such mixed feelings about fall. Pretty leaves: YAY! Shorter days: boo. No more crazy humidity: YAY! School: boo. Pumpkin things: YAY!!! More cloudy days: boo. Basically, it comes down to needing the sun and having bad experiences with university, but otherwise fall is great.

    Regarding healthier options pumpkin things: (you can also sub baking splenda for some of the sugar)
  • ronercat
    ronercat Posts: 273 Member
    Zac, I just have to tell you...I think you are the best! I love your attitude and your funness (is that a word?) You just seem to really enjoy life and all it has to offer. I love it! If you were older and I wasn't married, I'd ask you out for a drink! A low cal non fat drink, but a drink all the same! :drinker:

    Haha why thank you Diana. I am blushing. You can't see it, but just trust me on this.

    Thank you Norah for the recipe! I am excited to try it out. I am also hoping to make some of my normal pumpkin things with a chunk of the calories cut out. Hopefully this fall turns out to be better for you than some of the ones in the past. I don't know if this would work for you, but my sister also had a need for sunlight that just wasn't being met in the winter. She got a full spectrum lamp, or an artificial sunlight lamp. It helped give her some of the nutrients she was missing and helped keep her balanced.

    I could not imagine it being 110 F outside consistently. Out here I complain if we have multiple 100 degree days in a row (To be honest it might only have to be in the mid 90's).
  • NorahCait
    NorahCait Posts: 325 Member
    Oooh I just thought of another one of my favorite pumpkin things: pumpkin curry! You can use pumpkin, squash, and/or sweet potato, and I usually add chicken and onion as well. I cheat and use maesri curry paste (the red curry is my favorite). Usually, you can find "light" coconut milk that does the job just as well as regular coconut milk (in fact, sometimes just the cheaper brands of coconut milk are lower cal because they have more water!).
  • PatrickB_87
    PatrickB_87 Posts: 738 Member
    I look forward to being able to exercise in the afternoon without it being 95. But I also don't look forward to the early evenings and the cooler weather that cuts in on my exercise time options. This might also bee a good time to get back in the pool as the community pool becomes less crowded as the summer heat goes away.