Day 46: September 4

NorahCait Posts: 325 Member
Good morning, all (or good afternoon, to those of you across the Atlantic)! I hope your weeks are going well.

Going back through several of the days I missed, it's been pretty quiet around here. I'd like to give a shout out to Nancy for keeping things going! You've been a posting machine :) Thank you for being the engine to our little fitness train recently!

So tell me, folks, what should we do to encourage those of us who haven't been around much *coughlikemecough* to reengage? We're almost at the end of this 50 day challenge, should we make a push to finish strong, or should we start thinking about what's next? (I think both. Both is good.)


  • ronercat
    ronercat Posts: 273 Member
    I agree that we should focus on ending this challenge strong and also thinking about where we go from here. We only have a few more days left to this challenge to think about what comes after. As far as getting people to re engage I am not sure. I guess I don't know what caused them to drift away a little in the first place.

    Do we want to do another challenge like this one? Should we change up what we track or what certain things are worth pointwise? I know that I personally liked the challenge. It kept me engaged and focused, but another type of challenge would probably work just as well for me.
  • artelyn
    artelyn Posts: 175 Member
    I liked the challenge too, but I have to say that it might have been a bit too long for me. I don't know if it was that or seeing every day what day of the challenge we were on. Does that make sense? For me personally, I like challenges that fall in the 2 week to 1 month range. I need to keep switching things up as to not get bored. Although I am in a huge plateau right now so that may have something to do with my "boredom" too.

    I've been busy getting the kids ready to go back to school and then quite honestly, enjoying the first couple of days back. The house to myself!!! And I did nothing but get caught up on tv shows and books and computer time!

    So thanks Nancy for keeping us going. I'm still here, but being a bit quiet.


  • catladyksa
    catladyksa Posts: 1,269 Member
    It is my bedtime, and I thoroughly enjoy hearing from you guys and reading your posts. It is sort of like a life line for me. I have heard that some folks on other forums like a 6 week challenge as it is a bit more manageable. For makes no difference, I log on every day and will post on each forum every day...even if it is just a 'howdy'. I like being accountable and it is encouraging me to continue on this journey when I know there are others out there trying too. I can not be on a forum that is 'no fat, no sugar, no meat , no nothing....' because that is not me. I do like challenges. I am on one now that is on you get a group of people together you can go up 'one on one' against each other on steps....but you need a gizmo that will count steps and be able to hook up to the fitbit or UP or whatever. We could start up on that site...JUST for the daily challenge and make it a 2 week challenge has been fun, and believe me, I have pushed myself like I never have before just to beat the amount of steps I get in per day!

    Pat, Dee and Zac (he took a brief holiday) stuck with us!! So I vote we keep going...and everyone think of another challenge....maybe check out to see if we can form our own MOBO group challenge. I will catch up tomoro!!

    nancy ...where it only got to 104 F Today! lol
  • mikesgirl4evr
    mikesgirl4evr Posts: 363 Member
    Good evening gang. Hope everyone has had a great day. Things are looking up for me. I ended up going to the doctor yesterday (which was a trip in itself - took 6 hours roundtrip on the metro: sad part is it's only a 20 min. drive if I had a car). She said I had a bacterial infection in my chest (I read "bronchitis") and put me on an antibiotic. I haven't had bronchitis in years and with it being so early in the season it makes me worry about winter. Years ago I would get it 5-8 times every winter. I sure hope not. She did say we caught it early which is good. We can't afford for Michael to get it with him on the anti-rejection drugs (he has little to no immune system). I am doing better today so the antibiotics seem to be starting to work.

    I'm not sure how many of you know this but I have been without my FitBit since late on Saturday. It just quit working on me. Said it was charged but wouldn't track anything. I sent them an email but got no response. So today I called them. They are sending me a new one and I'm even getting the violet wristband that I wanted in the first place. Very nice people. I can't wait for it to get here. I have felt naked without it.

    As for what we can do to encourage others, it's my belief that unfortunately there's really nothing we can do. If I've learned nothing else from all the years of yo-yo dieting and my mother pressuring me, you are the only one who can motivate yourself to do anything. They have to want it. Again, that's just my opinion.

    As for the challenge, i'm in agreement we should do both. Definitely finish this one out with a bang and then figure out what's next. I personally love the extra accountability. It can either be a short challenge or a longer one. It really doesn't matter to me either way.

    Norah, so glad to see your smiling face back with us as well as you Diana. Gotta love those first few days when the kids go back to school (mine started on Aug. 12th). Zac, glad you had such a great vacation. I can't wait to see the pictures. Wow Nancy, you better watch that temperature.....only 104? you might need a sweater......lmao. Tomorrow is supposed to be our last really hot day. Today our heat index got up close to 105 and tomorrow's is only supposed to be 100. Then a cold front is coming through and the highs for the weekend are only supposed to be in the upper 70's. My kind of weather. I'm with you Nancy on the "no fat, no sugar, etc." When I cut something completely out of my food plan that's all I can think about and all I want.

  • PatrickB_87
    PatrickB_87 Posts: 738 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    50 days is a lot to keep the steam up so i'm not surprised things slowed down a bit. But glad to see many are engaged.

    It's been a busy day and I still have more to do and a dozen or so invoices to get off (how did these things pile up so quickly?).

    I would happily do another challenge. I log everyday so its not to hard for me. Happy to keep spying on everyone else's progress. We can probably find some more ways to make the next challenge more interesting or invigorating.

    Weigh in day is tomorrow and I have to take a long drive to a clients show so hopefully my bowls are cooperative in the morning.
  • catladyksa
    catladyksa Posts: 1,269 Member
    Weigh in day is tomorrow and I have to take a long drive to a clients show so hopefully my bowls are cooperative in the morning.

    Pat.... you and your 'bowls'!!! LMAO
