Can I do this at Planet Fitness?

I know there's a lot of Planet Fitness hate out there (my husband (edit: I only have one husband) shares the sentiment and tells me regularly so we don't need to rehash it here). However, I'm working on paying off some debt that I racked up during cancer treatments and I REALLY don't want to pay more for a gym membership. The $10 a month fee works into my budget quite nicely. I realize there's an element of "you get what you pay for" but I have been generally pretty happy at my local Planet Fitness. However, I can't do dead lifts there (they have a Smith machine, but I realize it's not the same) and I think there are limitations on some of the other exercises (I haven't finished the book, so I'm not entirely sure which ones.) Does anyone here do the program at Planet Fitness or am I out of luck?


  • loconnor466
    loconnor466 Posts: 215 Member
    I'm surprised no one answered you yet. I don't know Planet Fitness at all. Stay away from the Smith machine! The book has pointers and adjustments for the home gym. I know they have a million tredmills and stationary bikes, I assume they have dumbbells? kettle bells?
    If not, its a no go. I would take that $10.00 per month and save it for some home equipment if possible. You'd be surprised how cheap some things are on craigslist. I have seen benches on there for free. I just picked up a pair of adjustable 25# dumbbells for $20.00.
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    You're definitely going to need to do deadlifts. Maybe craigslist for a barbell? I'm not sure what you could swap in instead.