A1C improvements

Naughty_ZOOT Posts: 4,330 Member
Got my latest A1c result:
7.9 Dec. 2nd on 2000 mg metformin
6.5 on March 22nd on 1,000 metformin
5.7 yesterday on nothing
he he!

How have yours improved on keto?


  • toadqueen
    toadqueen Posts: 592 Member
    Congratulations!! Awesome!!

    My AIC has always improved on keto. From 13.5 to 6.5 at my worst. I have not been tested for a while but was 5.9 last March on no meds.

    Are you still considered a Type 2 Diabetic? I still remember hearing the doctor tell me that I was no longer diabetic after about 3 months of keto. It still gets me emotional.

    Keep up the excellent progress. It is very inspiring.
  • nill4me
    nill4me Posts: 682 Member
    Awesome. My next endo appt is 10/22.I'm looking forward to it. I wish my morning numbers were better though. Anywhere from 120-165.
  • radiii
    radiii Posts: 422 Member
    Congrats, that's awesome! :)

    I went from a 7.5 A1C to around 5.5 before keto, but I felt miserable trying to maintain that on a standard diet. On Keto that's dropped all the way under 5, I believe my last test was 4.5 or something crazy like that. Basically my blood sugar is 85 every time I take it, with the occasional jump over 100 after I go to the gym on occasion. I seem to have reached a point where as long as I eat right on keto, including avoiding artificial sweeteners (I was surprised and disappointed to see my blood sugar jump to 125 after a Quest bar the first time I tried one), the blood sugar just doesn't move in any noticeable way.

    My doctor refers to me as a "diet controlled diabetic". I'm not sure "no longer diabetic" is really correct, as I don't think its something that can be cured. But it can be managed perfectly. :)
  • michaelarcand
    michaelarcand Posts: 6 Member
    Awesome results, congrats! I went from A1C of 12.1% in December to 5.4% in April doing LCHF. Was able to drop one of my diabetes medications (glimeperide). Still on metformin and hoping to get off of it by the end of the year.
  • Jhuliette
    Jhuliette Posts: 4 Member
    At 5.4%! I never worry about my numbers anymore, and that is such a great feeling. When's the last time you checked your BG and actually looked forward to seeing the result?

    I love this WOE. Seriously. My life feels like it's in my control. Finally!
  • toadqueen
    toadqueen Posts: 592 Member
    We are all so awesome!!! I love this WOE. I have only been back at it for a week but I feel so much better. I think my inflammation is receding. I no longer test my BG but will be getting an A1C test in December.
  • NurseWizzle
    NurseWizzle Posts: 312 Member
    I don't know what my a1c will be. I know my last one was around 14.

    What I can tell you is this. I was on Lantus 40 daily and Humalog, up to 90 units total for the day. With Metformin 2000 daily.

    My wife and I started this 4 weeks ago. Just days before my fasting numbers were over 300. Then they were in the high 200s, mid 200s, and low 200s. Most recently, this past week, all my fasting numbers have been under 200. Every single one. And that is with my doctor discontinuing my Lantus, and me cutting my Humalog back to approximately 20 units total for the day. My numbers are still higher than I'd like, I think averaging around 170 or so. I'll take it... for now.
  • toadqueen
    toadqueen Posts: 592 Member

    I am so happy that you have had such a remarkable reduction in your levels. I am confident that they will only improve and you will be below 100. I found that Lantus improved my levels but kept weight on me. If you are losing weight your numbers may be high as your fat cells release stuff. Just a guess. I stopped Lantus, Humalog, Actos, and cholesterol meds after about 2 weeks because my levels were too low - in the 30s. I stayed on Metformin 1000 for a few months longer "just in case" but stopped when my levels dropped below 60 again.

    How are you feeling? How is your wife doing?

    All the best!
  • DittoDan
    DittoDan Posts: 1,850 Member
    I am inspired by your success!

    I have been on the diet for 13 days. I'm type 2 for last 13 years. Today I weighed in at: 306. Here is my med's before keto diet:

    10mg Glipizide x 2 @ day
    850mg Metformin (Glucaphage) x 2 @ day
    40-60 units Novalog insulin at my meals (2 X @ Day)
    50mg Solastar (long acting) insulin 1 x @ before sleeping
    My A1c was checked right before I started the diet at 8.7. They have ranged from 13 to a low of 7ish. I don't think I have hit the normal range since I was a diabetic.

    After meals, my sugar would go as high as 400. 300 was quite common. They tell you to take the insulin before your meal, but I hardly ever did. I was too scared I would go low before I had a chance to eat. Eventually my sugars would creep back down, but I was happy if I got below 200. I would take 20 more units if I was at 200 at bedtime. If I forgot to take the Solastar at bedtime, my sugar would go up about 40 points by the morning (at night my liver would produce the excess sugar.)

    I am trying to do 40 carbs @ day now. Its hard. But its working. MyFitnessPal app has been a Godsend.

    My meds the last few days:
    1 x Glucaphage at night
    1 x Glipizide at night
    No Solastar!
    10-15 units of insulin (only if my blood sugars go higher that 175)

    Last night, my sugar was 125 at midnite
    I didn't take any Solastar
    Woke up and it was 125! WOW! that has never happened. I am thinking I am in ketosis, because my liver doesn't have enough carbs to turn into sugar at night.

    My sugars have drastically improved! I went low once. But I scaled meds back drastically. Earlier this week, after a meal, my sugars would go from a low 100 to low 200's. But now they have started only going up to the 150's. I am super happy with that.

    I think if I got down to 25 carbs @ day AND keep my protein moderate, I can get of the meds altogether. We'll see.

    Keep up the good work!

    Dan from Michigan