
Hi all, I am 50 and post-menopausal. I am back and would like to lose weight. Last year I put on weight rather quickly - it seemed the gain was not in proportion to my eating. ( I could be in denial ;-)) I ate "healthy", walked, hiked and yoga'd all summer and lost nothing! I felt better for the good food and exercise, so there is that. I know way too much about nutrition and diet - and that hasn't helped! In fact, at times I have felt more confused about what I should do/eat.

Today I took my measurements, weighed myself, and am working on a "keep it simple sweetheart" plan. Starting with what is working: I love yoga, walking, hiking, and my elliptical for exercise. I am lucky to live in a beautiful place with no shortage of gorgeous and challenging hikes. Those are exercises I know I can stick with. When I can get my belly out of the way, the yoga I practice incorporates lots of weight bearing and strengthening postures.

I take vitamins and supplements that I feel are right for me. I went and did blood work - a complete panel - I am concerned about my thyroid and inflammation (lovely genetics I have). I will get those results in a few weeks at my appointment.

So that leaves me with choosing a way of eating that is live-able and conducive to weight loss, planning for and controlling environmental factors (read: snacking husband and daughter who continue to enjoy foods that are my triggers - so the stuff is in the house), and building a support group.

As for the diet I am thinking whole foods, with a focus on lots of veggies, lean protein, and some fruit. I am up in the air about grains. I have an gluten and oat sensitivity and generally feel better when I avoid those. Sprouted grains seem easier on my system.

I would love to connect with others and hear what has or hasn't worked, and share support and feedback.



  • cbmcphillips
    cbmcphillips Posts: 801 Member
    Welcome. .we're a bit crazy with a sense of humor. ..

    Feel free to comment when you can. ..

    We understand busy

    Carol in New Jersey
  • Time2LoseWeightNOW
    Time2LoseWeightNOW Posts: 1,730 Member
    Hi, Lynn,
    Welcome to the Hatter's.
    Sounds like you are doing everything right. It just takes longer for us at this age. We are unusually quiet this time of year, but we try to put up a monthly post . So just pop on and let us know whatever you need to speak about..
    Best wishes!!
  • jihumfeld
    jihumfeld Posts: 10 Member
    Hi Lynn and welcome to the group!

    We are each individuals with our own stories. What is most important is for you to figure out what will work well for you now and for a long time to come. I view this not as a diet, but a lifestyle. I still eat the foods that I love, just not a much nor as often. I seem to be a minimum-deprivation-type of gal. If you say I can't have something, then, of course, that will be the one thing I just have to have. You have to decide what your type is.

    You mentioned triggers in your post. Are you the type who can have a limited amount or not? What can you do to get your family to help you out with keeping your triggers away from you?

    Most of all, be patient with yourself. The older you get (I'm 62) the slower the weight comes off. I've been tracking my food for 18 months and have lost 50 lbs. I still have 25 to go, but with the warm support of this group, my family and my faith, i'll make it.

    Once again, welcome to the group!