What are your goals when walking?

I'm just wondering, what are your walking goals? To walk at a certain pace? To walk for a certain length of time? To reach a certain daily step count?

My daily goal is to walk for a minimum of 30 minutes, at a brisk pace. I like to challenge myself by using intervals - either a slow jog or walking up hills.


  • catladyksa
    catladyksa Posts: 1,269 Member
    My current goal is to get a certain amount of steps in (10,000 daily ) at the moment, then to up this goal in a couple weeks to get 12,000-15,000 steps in. I also will be starting to add a jog into my daily steps, for about a minute at a time. My ultimate goal is to decrease my 'shortness of breath' when I am walking at a very brisk pace or climbing stairs!
  • forgivensins
    forgivensins Posts: 90 Member
    My pace is pretty slow so I just like to up my mileage. Started around half a mile, now I can easily do 4-6 a day. I consider it a good day if I'm over 3 but I've been pushing to keep it over 4 lately. My goal was 5 by mid-October but I already broke through that so we'll see what happens.
  • I aim for three miles in 45 minutes. I have Map My Walk app on my phone and that seems to keep me moving.
  • Asheea
    Asheea Posts: 211 Member
    To reach a certain daily step count?

  • monicabroadbentswearingen
    to walk on treadmill for 30 minutes one day, then 15 the next. Alternate back and forth. each week add 5 minutes to each.:smile