

  • weavernv
    weavernv Posts: 1,555 Member
    SW: 157.2 for Challenge

    Weigh in Dates:
    Start of Month (9/03): 157.2
    9/10: 155.3
    9/17: 154.0
    9/24: 153.7
    10/1: 155.5

    I've been going up and down all week. I'm not sure, I don't usually fluctuate this much, so it's probably the stress of our move.... Yuck! I usually stay within 1lb of a weight. My husband says our scale didn't like the move too, so maybe it'll settle down.
  • sowdenb
    sowdenb Posts: 61 Member
    EXCELLENT!!! Keep up the great work!
  • bluestarlight19
    bluestarlight19 Posts: 419 Member
    Still sick, Went to the docs...sinusitis and a sinus infection. He said probably because I didn't get any rest that I got sick and then couldn't recover from it. So, now on antibiotics for 2 weeks but hopefully it will take care of everything. My weight has been all over the place, up to 249 at one point but for the last couple of days its been 248.0 so, I'm hoping its just the cold screwing with me. We will see. I have still been logging and it hasn't been looking good. Trying to figure it all out and going to follow the docs orders this weekend of rest, rest, rest. Oh...and the antibiotic can cause tendonitis in some people so he advised me not to exercise til its done...yay....but I can still do stuff like walks so its not all bad.

    SW: 245.2
    1st: 245.2
    2nd: 245.8
    3rd: 247.8
    4th: 248.0
  • sowdenb
    sowdenb Posts: 61 Member
    Sorry to hear you're still sick. Avalox or Levaquin? BE CAREFUL...if prescribed..read the IFU enclosed. They are effective but the proclivity for tendon rupture is very real and can extend beyond the dosing time. Ask your pharmacist. I had better luck with Augmentin 850 without the worry of the tendon issue. This may sound crazy, but I breathe steam with 3 drops each of thyme, clove, and cinnamon leaf essential oils that I ordered from Amazon. That with mucinex and tons of fluids at the start of a cold have kept the badness away! Hang in there and take care of yourself. Keep eating nutritious foods and get rest-hope you get well soon!
  • Mooly22
    Mooly22 Posts: 15
    Did my weigh in today! and even with all my setbacks, I lost 2 pounds! woot, here's to getting on track. I decided to get a gym pass and hire a personal trainer... hopefully that will provide some motivation :)
  • stewart613
    stewart613 Posts: 26 Member
    way to go, mooly22! sounds like you have a good plan in place :)
  • 0505jen
    0505jen Posts: 147 Member
    Weigh in day 1/2 lb this week total so far 2.5 better than gaining :)
  • bluestarlight19
    bluestarlight19 Posts: 419 Member
    I've been tightening up on my food this week, since I can't exercise. I did read the info packet on my antibiotic (cipro). My doc didn't tell me anything about it, the packet said do not exercise while taking because of risk of tendonitis. yay. I'm feeling better, still a little phlegmy and sinus pain in the morning, and I was downing mucinex like candy (not really, but taking every 12 hours) that stuff is awesome. Babies are sleeping better, turns out my youngest is waking up because she kicks the covers off and then can't figure out how to get back under them at 3am, so is cold and cries cuz mommy will fix it. Putting her in warmer pjs has solved some of that, gotta get more fleecy/ flannel pjs though for her. Lost 1lbs this week :)

    SW: 245.2
    1st: 245.2
    2nd: 245.8
    3rd: 247.8
    4th: 248.0
  • stewart613
    stewart613 Posts: 26 Member
    way to go everyone!
    glad you are feeling better, bluestarlight :)
    i am down 5.4 lbs since the beginning of the challenge. the group is helping me keep on track, just wish it wasn't so quiet around here... anyone want to add me as a friend so we can keep supporting and encouraging each other?
  • weavernv
    weavernv Posts: 1,555 Member
    SW: 157.2 for Challenge

    Weigh in Dates:
    Start of Month (9/03): 157.2
    9/10: 155.3
    9/17: 154.0
    9/24: 153.7
    10/1: 155.5
    10/15: 156.6

    Of course I haven't got back on track yet, and have been fluctuating since the move started. I forgot to weigh in last week. The move is now over. I will do better.
  • weavernv
    weavernv Posts: 1,555 Member
    BTW. where is everyone???
  • wagglesworth
    wagglesworth Posts: 53 Member
    I only get weighed once a month at my physicians office. I'm a scaleaolic so I had to get rid of it. Anyway, I had my lab work done today and will see the Doctor on Friday. I'm hoping to report good news.
  • wagglesworth
    wagglesworth Posts: 53 Member
    edited October 2014
    My Doctors office called on Thursday and rescheduled my appointment for today. I have just returned and am happy as can be. I've lost 14 lbs. since Sept. 18th.
  • stewart613
    stewart613 Posts: 26 Member
    great work, wagglesworth!! :)