Sept 10th ...weekly Wednesday check in

jeanmrob Posts: 634 Member
Here we go........ sadly I seem to have put a pound did that happen???

I have reset my stats again ..... thought I might lose this week as I have been at home........could be tricky next week as I am going to a Christening where the catering is Champagne and cakes!

I do hope to lose this pound ......

Hope you have all done better than I have.......:flowerforyou:



  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,361 Member
    I'm with you Jean. Except, I gained 3.5 pounds while on vacation!

    However, I did hop on the scale last night when I got home and it was a 9.5 pounds gain! I had a lot of water weight (ankles swollen, you know, that airplane weight) and I lost 6 pounds overnight. I'm hoping that some of that 3.5 pounds that is left is also water, but I'm not crazy enough to think that all the eating I did didn't add a pound or two (or three).

    Well back at it today. I will get back to the gym and back to eating under my goal. Hopefully, I'll be back at my "ticker" weight (no, I'm not changing it), by next Wednesday's weigh-in.

    So, hoping the next person signing in has done better!
  • Computershateme
    Computershateme Posts: 46 Member
    Well I'm happy to say I didn't gain despite eating poorer food choises and exercising less. I was visiting my 98 year old mother in law which meant limited walking. 2 days of travelling didn't help either along with limited food choises while doing this. So no loss for me this week.
  • Mariang165
    Mariang165 Posts: 2,139 Member
    Good morning All :flowerforyou: Yep, it's Wednesday again!

    Thank you Jean for getting us started and keep working at it, that pound will come off and you will do fine at the celebration. You plan very well, so try your best to have a couple of light days before you go, but do enjoy!

    Charlie, sounds like you enjoyed and de-stressed on your vacation, lovely part of life. Only just over 3 pound gain, you did great, particularly with all that lovely Québécois food! You will get those pounds off before they stick!

    Computer - congrats on maintaining while off visiting - well done indeed! Your MIL is 98, wow that is amazing and how great that you take the time to visit her. Is she in assisted living or living with other family?

    Well, I am a happy camper this morning. As you may recall I put on 2 pounds last week due to my Labour day weekend overeating crash and burn episodes, well I have lost those 2 pounds! :smile: So I am now back at my ticker weight! I will admit it was a bit of a struggle so many thanks to my very supportive MFP friends!

    We really are a great group, even if I do say so myself :blushing: I only ever receive encouragement and understanding - thank you!

    Good luck this upcoming week everyone, just keep trying, slow steps do add up - we all cannot be gazelles! Cheers, Marian

    Ps off to my walk as I haven't done any walking for over 3 days - see its just one thing after another for your resident sloth! :ohwell:
  • jbouthiette
    jbouthiette Posts: 211 Member
    All, It must be that kind of week, maybe some odd phase of the moon :laugh:

    I too have gained 1.3 pounds this week, apparently my trip to the Windy city finally caught up with me. Apparently I need to be a bit more focused, or change something up. I still have some goals in mind before I go to the cardiologist for my annual visit next month, so I guess I better crack down a bit more! :tongue:

    Congrats to everyone who maintained or lost this week, good work by all of you. And of course, thank you to everyone for their continued support through this journey

    - JB
  • mkramarz
    mkramarz Posts: 47 Member
    OMG Congrats to all... You're really a success when the scale doesn't have good news but you're all weighing in and tracking again... Success has been in your past and Success is sure to be in your future...

    I am new to this group but I plan on being here next Wed with my results! I have been tracking for 10 days now (again - many failures in the past) BUT I'm in LA at my son's house and no scale...

    So hoping for some good news next Wed when I'm back home... Congrats to all of you and can hardly wait until next Wed!
  • debneeds2beskinny
    debneeds2beskinny Posts: 227 Member
    I put on two pounds two weeks ago during vacation, but lost those and then one! so I am a happy camper!
  • Aug312014
    Aug312014 Posts: 32 Member
    Starting week 2 for me : )

    Like jbouthiette said, maybe it's the full moon? :wink: my scale went up even though I've stayed on track.

    Perhaps I should weigh myself weekly instead of daily.

    I'm new to dieting. I didn't have a weight problem most of life. I was injured 20 years ago and slowly have put on 60 lb.s from not exercising and working at a computer.

    I plan to graduate the Sloth Academy with honors.
  • smilesback
    smilesback Posts: 327 Member
    Ooookkkkk, let's turn this trend around. I feel for all of you for the long haul when you have been losing and then hit snags in the road. For me I have a long haul of NOT LOSING and only gaining, so I am pretty happy to see my efforts are rewarded.

    I lost 2 lbs since last week :)

    Now let's kick some butt everybody!
  • Claud1313
    Claud1313 Posts: 123 Member
    Charlie, I don't believe that is real weight. It must be water retention and the altitude combination.

    Marian, Congratulations on being so focused and losing the weight.

    Deb, Congratulations on your loss.

    I had a lot of high sodium food last night and I am up 2 pounds, which I cannot afford to be since I don't lose weight every week.

    Every week is a new beginning. So here we go.

    Happy Trails,

  • Claud1313
    Claud1313 Posts: 123 Member
    Smiles, I think we posted at the same time :-) As You said, let's kick this trend around.

  • bvifun
    bvifun Posts: 402 Member
    Well I completed week one of maintenance and the scales have been like a roller coaster ride. One day I was even a pound and a half too low. (Hate comments are allowed.) But I am now back in my goal range. I ignored a piece of advice I have seen several times to only add back a 100 calories at a time. Hmmmm maybe that is why my weight is all over the place. Oh well I continue on with my new learning curve.....or my new straight line.
  • Wooken3
    Wooken3 Posts: 634 Member
    I am now in the 3rd week of a 5-week plan to stabilize my teeth so I won't have to keep them in a glass by the bed. It started with a front tooth apicoectomy, followed by some fillings (yesterday) extractions (today) and will be ending up with periodontal surgery over the next two weeks.

    I try to be thankful for all my blessing but tonight I just plan on eating all the chocolate pudding (sugar & fat free) Hubby cooked for me, taking another codeine pill and crawling into bed with a trashy novel.

    Good job everyone for hanging in there knowing that nothing worthwhile comes easily.

  • jeanmrob
    jeanmrob Posts: 634 Member
    I feel for you Wooken...I had periodental surgery last year ...... I slept alot for a couple of dys with the painkillers and managed to survive on soup and yogurt ..... teeth are much more secure now but I still would never bite on an apple!

    Good luck ...thinking of you :flowerforyou:

  • Lyndal816
    Lyndal816 Posts: 35 Member
    Well, I didn't even look at this Wednesday morning log in thing because I KNEW I was THE only one that had gained. I am not changing my "ticker" but I did gain 1.8 pounds :sad:

    I did want to support all of you, so I decided to look and give you all my thumbs up for having such a great week. Now this is what I call REALLY good friends -- most of you decided to gain just so that I wouldn't feel so bad. Wow, I have NEVER had such supportive friends.

    Because you are all so great -- some of us gained, some of us maintained, and some of us lost. All of us are FANTASTIC. I am starting my new week a day late (and probably a dollar short...but that is just how I operate).
  • cloeyeddie
    cloeyeddie Posts: 30 Member
    I'm a day late but I did weigh in yesterday on time - Read all the posts and it does seem as if quite a few of us struggled but still signed in - so yeah for all of us - the losers, the maintainers and the gainers who are hanging right in there and posting, tracking and supporting!
    I lost .5 this week which is less than what I've been doing but not completely unexpected as it's now my 5th week and I'm sure my body is adjusting to the reduced intake - I have to say that if we lived long, long ago when being able to hang onto your body fat in lean hunting times was a good thing, I would be a genetic success:laugh:
    Wooken, - hope you feel better Soon!
  • hayleyandpaigesgrandma
    Sorry, I am also a day late and like many of you (it must be that full moon) I also gained 2 lbs. So we will all be at least one pound lighter next week. I have been trying to get more walking in. However it is broken up into about 10 minutes each time. I hope that the total still counts. I am really missing my fitbit. I am still waiting on replacement and shipping plans from them.

    Let us all do our best to lose a minimum of one pound this week. Everyone give it your best shot and we will see the results at our check in.
  • ustillcan
    Here I am late again, but I get to add another pound lost!
    Hope we all have a great week!
  • RLF022012
    RLF022012 Posts: 70 Member
    Looks like most everyone got here before me. :blushing: It's been another crazy week at work.

    I have only a 0.5 pound loss to report but I'm still "happy dancing" because I'm moving - and in the right direction! Also, I want to again say that I believe that's due to this group. I've been at this a long time, with a very big period of being stuck, but since joining this group I'm losing again :bigsmile: and getting closer to my goal.

    Thank you all for your inspiration and support. :flowerforyou: Remember, each week whether we lose, gain, or stay the same, WE ARE ALL WINNERS because we're in this together.

    Have a great weekend all.
  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,361 Member
    Congrats to those who lost. But Lyndal, I gained for you this week, but don't expect me to do it again! :laugh: