Advice Needed / Help

So...on the third day of logging myfitnesspal said to me: "You'll be a million pounds in 30 days if you continue to eat at the rate you're eating, Chubs!" Seriously? Ok, maybe eating 900cal of plantain chips in a sitting isn't a great dietary move, but I learned my lesson there, I won't do it again.

My questions, topic of conversation is this - how many calories is everyone allotted? Is everyone exceeding, meeting, or surpassing their daily requirement? And, if I really am off the reservation and just eating my face off - can I get some recommended daily meal plans from one or two of you who are effectively ingesting?

I only get 1200cal per day - which seems insane. I did say I wanted to lose 10lbs, but that's not it? That's what I packed on this summer and that's what I'd like to offload.

Anyway...please help!!!!!


  • katharineshalia
    katharineshalia Posts: 243 Member
    Hi, I eat about 1240 cals a day, I did 1200 but couldn't maintain it after 2 weeks. I know paleo is not low carb, it's low crap, but I had to adjust my carbs because they don't fill me up. So, over about a week and a half, give or take (I've been paleo for 42 days) I lowered my carbs and raised my fat while adjusting protien so I feel full. At this point I am low carb paleo with my macros set at 10%carbs, 20%protien and 70%fat, this took some time doing though and not without some growing pains. Today's menu is 2 cups bulletproof coffee, each cup with 2 tbls coconut oil, 1 cup taco seasoned beef with cabbage serving as the taco shell and tonight 3 egg omlete with spinach. I also have a few bites kimchi to help with digestion and 1/4 tsp Himalayan salt because I was getting dizzy without salt.

    I started with my carbs at about 80grams if that helps with a starting point- but I was getting too much sugar and like I said, starving, so my guess is if you upped your fat and lowered your carbs you won't need to worry about the ticker. Fyi, I lost 20 lbs the first 30 days of paleo and that's with minimal exercise. It's a great lifestyle change, but it does take time to figure out what works best for you. Hope this helps.